☆ Chapter 5 - Sunny skies ☆

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Nobody's POV

"Here we are!"

Philza pulled up into a parking space, turning the steering wheel whilst he leaned to look in the mirror. The car park was smothered in greenery, trees aligning the sides, warm sunlight filtering through its leaves, and a variety of flowers were embedded into lush, green blades of grass. There were multiple other cars positioned in the white spaces and a few dirt paths led to the actual park. It had good reviews - it had a lake with ducks, and that was enough to satisfy Phil. They'd brought some extra bread to feed them, and Tommy had gone mad when he discovered why. Wilbur and Techno had arrived to a quacking orchestra, with Toms flapping his arms about aimlessly. If they were to say it wasn't funny, they'd be lying.

The car doors clicked open, Phil and Techno emerging from the ones at the front whilst Wilbur and Tommy emerged from the ones at the back. They were instantly hit with a warm breeze and the pleasant smell of freshly-cut grass whilst a bird's melody entertained their ears. Phil made his way round to the [boot/trunk] and lifted the handle, taking out a picnic blanket - which he gave to Tommy - and a rucksack. He'd made and packed everything before they'd left, so all the food was fresh and at its best quality.

"Right then, we all ready to go?" The blonde-haired man asked, shutting the back of the car and locking it.

"Mhm! I can't wait to eat, God I'm bloody starving!"

Tommy was first to answer, eager and enthusiastic. He knew there'd be pigeons - pigeons were everywhere, why wouldn't there be? Plenty of birds to chase and run towards, the noises they made were definitely something to laugh at.

"Didn't you- um- say there were ducks?" Wilbur mumbled, fiddling with his fingers. He found ducks to be so adorable, especially when they had lots of baby ones trailing behind them. He'd once seen this certain domesticated duck on Instagram - its owner had dressed it up with a beanie.. It'd be cool to have a pet duck, perhaps he could steal one from the park and stuff it in Phil's backpack. But of course, it wasn't as easy as that unfortunately.

"Yep! That's why we have the extra bread. Interesting fellas, aren't they?" Philza replied with a nod, causing Wilbur's eyes to instantly light up. The brunette returned the nod, this time more energetic.

After a couple minutes or so, the four entered the actual park, walking under a wooden archway. They were greeted by a large, open greenclearing, it was all just grass, excluding the few trees which some people had settled under for their own picnic day. They admired the views whilst they walked along the dirt path. Tommy immediately pointed out a murder of crows, and rushed towards them flapping his arms - they cawed and scattered into the air, the sound of wingbeats echoing through the clear blue sky.

However, Wilbur's eyes were locked on the trees they'd pass by, searching for any other bird-looking figures. He heard the calls, but couldn't identify where they were coming from. This was much better than a restaurant. It was tranquil. The temperature was slightly cold, but it was a nice kind of cold - the one which nipped at your face then soothed it with a gentle breeze. He took in a light breath, shoes tapping against the soft dirt below them, and let a smile appear on his face when Tommy returned from his frenzy and wrapped an arm around his. Wilbur never thought that the blondie would actually willingly go near him, not since the brunette basically yelled at him for messing with his guitar without permission. As for Techno, the pink-haired young adult was walking beside Phil, the two bickering away like two elderly women at a café, much different from the pleasant silence between the two boys behind them.

--time skip--

The signature lake came into view after 20 minutes or so of walking and admiring. They'd been through a tunnel created out of trees leaning inwards, and they'd also travelled over a stream locating fish and pebbles. The lake was vast, glistening under the sun's rays, and - just as they'd been told - ducks quacked and slipped through the water. If you looked close enough, you could see their webbed feet paddling under the ripples.

They sat down on a wooden bench, Phil taking the rucksack off his bag and taking out the sandwiches. There was a decent variety to choose from: cheese, jam (which Techno had claimed as soon as it was made), ham & cheese, and tuna. They'd also packed some chocolate, cocktail sausages, scotch eggs, sausage rolls, juice cartons, fruit and even some chicken salad which included tomatoes, cucumber, spring onion, avocado, sweetcorn and a few more healthy ingredients. Phil knew Wilbur liked salad, and the brunette doesn't eat much anyway, so of course he had to make sure his meal was enjoyable and fancy.

Tommy instantly dug into his sandwich, snatching it from the others and unwrapping the clingfilm, The others chuckled in response before digging into theirs. Wilbur took his salad and picked up the fork, getting a little of everything before stuffing it into his mouth. He used his free hand to cover his mouth while he chewed, and almost immediately gave a noise of satisfaction.

"This is actually quite nice, thanks Phil!" He nodded once he'd finished his mouthful, going in for another bite. Phil, who was busy eating his ham & cheese sandwich, gave a smile of appreciation. They began to talk about the ducks, commenting on their appearances and how one tumbled over another. The blonde-haired man took out the extra bread, sharing it out so everyone each had one slice of the loaf each. They began tearing it into small pieces, throwing them into the lake. The ducks bustled and flapped their wings, quacking in retort when they didn't get the piece they were focused on.

"Hey Wilby Scoot, do you want to try some of these cocktail sausages?" Tommy snickered at the nickname, offering the snacks to the brown-haired boy. He'd already given away his bread.

"I'm alright thanks, Toms." He gave a chuckle in reply, a slightly nervous tone to it.

"Hm okay, more for me. How about.. ooh, some scotch eggs! They're so good oh my god, I have to remind myself not to eat the whole packet."

"No thanks."

"Damn, so you're just going to have a salad? That's rabbit food." Tommy shrugged, chucking another scotch egg into his mouth.

"I'm just not hungry honestly." Wilbur smiled at Tommy's enthusiasm, his positivity was contagious. Contrasting to his statement, Wil was still quite ravenous. That walk was quite long after all. Ah well, humans can last at least three days without food so he'd be fine - of course it wasn't a very nice feeling to be hungry, but it wasn't a very nice feeling to be fat either..

"If you say so."

Wilbur caught Phil looking over at him, so he met his deep-brown eyes with his incase he was waiting for a chance to speak. But he said nothing, just gave a mildly concerned look and returned to eating his second half of his sandwich. With an inaudible sigh, Wil rested his head on the back of the bench and watched the birds in the trees.


Tommy flung himself into the back of the car, Wilbur getting in peacefully a few seconds after. He shut the door then grabbed his seatbelt and clicked it in place so that it crossed diagonally over his chest. He watched Phil and Techno get in the front seats, after putting the rucksack back into the boot, before the car began to whir. More seatbelts clicked and they began to drive out of the car park. The vehicle gently travelled over the gravelly path, turning into a road where they started to make their way back home.

"So, how was that boys?" Philza hummed, eyes locked onto the road ahead of them.

"It was so amazing! Those crows didn't know what hit them, hah!" Tommy replied while punching the air, but stopped when he accidentally hit the back of Techno's seat.

"Mhm, it was really fun, thanks again Phil." The boy beside him replied with the usual, soft tone of voice.

"Pretty good, gotta say." Techno agreed, nodding his head. "We should do this again sometime."


1422 words
(eeee didn't know how to end this chapter ;^;)

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