☁️ Chapter 14 - "I believe in you" ☁️

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Nobody's POV
TW: Implied anorexia

Knock, knock.

"Hey Wil, It's Techno. I've got you breakfast." A deep, monotone voice spoke from behind Wilbur's bedroom door.

"I've only just woken up, I'm not hungry." The brunette sighed, sitting up from his bed and brushing his fingers through his messy hair. He faked a yawn and got up, placing his guitar back on its stand. He'd woke in an agitated mood, so he used it to violently strum the strings - not so much that he'd snap them, just enough for him to hear the equivalent of his enemies screaming in agony.

There was silence for a few seconds. Techno opened the door and walked in before shutting it behind him. He was carrying a bowl of golden syrup porridge, decorated on top with slices of banana. It did look quite delicious to his younger brother, yet he still stuck with his mind.

Techno placed the bowl on his bedside table and sat at the end of the bed, looking into his dark brown eyes. He held a sympathetic gaze.

"What? I said I'm not hungry."

"I heard music from in here an hour ago.." The other sighed.

"Ha, might've been Tommy again." When Wilbur saw the unamused look on his brother's face, he tucked his knees into his chest.

"Phil may not know, Wil, but he's blind to a lot of things." Techno turned his head back to the door.

"What do you mean?"

There was silence once again, this time much more tense. Wilbur looked up at the person sat next to him in apprehension.

"I- um.. How do I put this.. I know.." Techno seemed to be struggling with his words, fumbling for the right ones. He definitely seemed to be troubled, with his eyebrows furrowed and his garnet-coloured eyes narrowed. "Just.. try to eat - fully - alright? Can you do that?"

"I.." The younger boy didn't know how to react, just sat there in shock. He immediately picked up on the word 'fully'. Techno.. knew? Was it that obvious? Was he really that stupid that he couldn't hide it? "I don't- I don't know, Tech.." He turned his gaze onto his hands. This was so embarrassing, he hated it.

"That's fine. I'm not going to be like Phil and yell at you to eat, it's not as easy as that, I can imagine. Different things disgust us, we can't force ourselves to like them." Techno spoke with a shaky breath. It was easy to tell that he was finding the subject difficult to talk about. "What we need to do, however, is find ways to overcome that distaste. I know it takes a while, but it's really important. Especially when you aren't getting the nutrients your body needs."

Wilbur looked back up to Techno. His watery eyes held the temptation to spill tears - happy tears. He was surprised at the support, but also grateful. If he was being honest, he would've expected another slap across the face for being such a mess-up. This, however, was nice. No yelling, no insults, no disappointment, no negativity.

"How long have you known?"

"A while."


"Don't feel embarrassed by it, it's not like you can just automatically stop."

"Thanks, Techno.." he mumbled quietly, leaning on his brother's shoulder.

"No problem. I won't tell Tommy, but do you want me to tell Phil?"

"N-No thanks. He'd probably call me disgusting." The brunette forced a pained chuckle. And hit me.

"What-? I doubt that, you know Phil."

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