☆ Chapter 7 - Bee boy ☆

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A/N Damn, this is probably the longest chapter. I'm so glad I didn't lose it all LMAO. Mostly fluff!

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Today was a Saturday, more specifically the day Tubbo would be coming over to spend time with Tommy. Tommy hadn't asked Phil prior to today, but who cares about what the father thinks? When the doorbell rang, the blonde-haired boy spared no time in racing to open it.

"I'LL GET IT!" He declared, then put his hand through the letterbox to wave at his friend before unlocking and opening the door. Tubbo had been stood kicking the dirt under his feet, but as he was welcomed inside, his blue eyes lit up.

The two boys exchanged greetings whilst the brunette hung up his coat and took off his shoes. Already, they were laughing together. When they first met at the play park, the two seemed to click instantly (apart from the time Tommy pushed Tubbo off the swing). Techno was lounging on the sofa, reading. He paused his book to give a quick 'hey' then pushed his glasses back up his nose to continue his book.

"Ah, Tubbo! Didn't expect you today, I would've tidied up if I knew you were coming- oh my, I'm still in my pyjamas." Phil sighed when the boys walked into the kitchen. The pleasant aroma of tea wafted into the air.

"Yeah, sorry.." The boy muttered, rubbing the back of his head.

"Dad, stop whining, I'm also in my pyjamas." Tommy retorted, messing with the small braid in his hair.

"It's alright, Tubbo, if you need anything let me know. Are you staying for dinner?" Phil asked, pouring milk into his mug and swirling it round with a small spoon.

"If that's okay with you?"

"Mhm! We'll be having jacket potato with salad, since I know you don't like to eat meat." The blonde-haired man nodded with a warm smile. "Now, go play 'cause otherwise my tea'll go cold."

The boys said their goodbyes and scrambled upstairs, making their way into Tommy's room to play on his Nintendo Switch. Tommy always got the best presents, being the youngest and all that. He started up Mario Kart, handing Tubbo the other controller.

Phil's POV
I chuckled lightly at the sound of animals storming up the stairs, then picked up my mug (one of those Father's Day mugs, but Tommy had written 'Bravest man I've ever met' on it with Sharpie). As I was walking into the living room, I took a small sip of the drink and sat down on the sofa beside Techno.

"Oh, hey Phil." The other spoke.

"Hey Techno, you haven't seen Wilbur, have you?" I questioned in response, setting my mug on the coffee table.

"He's probably in his room, I haven't seen him go outside. Why'd you ask?"

I checked the stairs for a moment to ensure neither Tommy, Tubbo or Wilbur could hear our conversation.

"I don't feel like he's apart of the family anymore, to be honest. He spends all day in his room, doesn't even come down for dinner, barely talks to me..." I sighed quietly, my voice drifting off.

"Perhaps he's just stressed, you know how it is."

"Yes but why would he be stressed? He doesn't go to work, school, he can't have friendship problems, he doesn't need to worry much about his future yet, I think it's just plain ignorance."

I took a breath, sipping my tea.

"I always try to include him in our activities. But even when we went to the park, I packed lots of snacks, he only wanted the salad. I know I spent lots of effort into making it, but that isn't the point. We were there for a while."

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