Chapter 1: Goode High School

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Percy Jacksons P.O.V

You might not get this but I've always felt like the Gods and the Fates were against me. Now you might think "No way you beat Kronos and Gaea without dying that's got to count for something right?" Let's just say blue cookies and pancakes couldn't make this better.

All this played through my mind as I entered Goode High School for my sophomore, where everyone thinks it's a Goode idea to mess with me. Lol, you see what I did there?
I couldn't do anything to blow my cover so I had to put up with bullies and control my temper. As soon as I walked into the hall there he was waiting for me, Luke Castellan.

"Look who finally decided to join us the loser and loner Percy Jackson," Luke called out causing everyone near us to laugh.

Honestly, I didn't mind I was gone most of my freshman year to complete a quest to save all these mortals.

I went to my first class which was PE to find Grover and Coach hedge waiting for me they looked really nervous so I slowly approach.

"Percy" Grover bleated tackling me down. I missed Grover since he was always looking for the great God Pan.

As I got up everyone stared at us and I heard a couple of whispers like "wow the loser has friends" and some "I didn't know the freak could laugh." I gladly ignored them I had to make it through school this week to make sure I could go to Camp Half-Blood this weekend.

Grovers P.O.V

I was waiting for Percy, I missed my best friend and really needed to talk to him. As I walked into the gym to meet Hedge I could hear him yelling in

"Hurry up and change cupcakes, I've got some nice little drill for you!" By the evil look in his eyes I could tell nothing about this would be nice or friendly.

Then I saw him the one and only Percy Jackson our Camp leader. I ran up to him happily bleating his name and tackling him in a hug.

"Hey G-man how you doing?" Percy asked hugging me back.

"Fine," I told him before quickly standing up, this was an emergency.

When I was about to tell him our problem this girl with blonde hair and brown eyes came up to us, she looked us up and down before scoffing.

"Looks like loser Jackson has a friend, I can honestly say I'm surprised."

Before I could say anything she turned away laughing followed by a nervous looking girl with pitch black hair and brown eyes.

Percy's P.O.V

I was ready to attack, Sherry lehmann was the most popular girl in school and a real pain in my ass. She was being followed by one of her nervous sidekicks Cameron Smith.

Deciding not to waste any time and energy on people like them I turned over to look at Grover and Hedge.

"So why are you guys here anyway?" 

"Half-bloods," Hedge says, "And there's  a few."

I always heard that half-bloods have a smell and I wondered what we smelt like.

Did I smell like tuna or some other kind of fish because my dad was Poseidon's god of the sea?

My five cousins were demigods too. first, there was Thalia the daughter of Zeus, and her brother Jason. Then there was Nico and his two sisters Hazel and Bianca and they were sons and daughters of Hades.

Today after school I was going out with Thalia and Nico even though I knew I should help Grover.

 "Okay man," I said with a supportive head nod, "just tell me how I can help and I will"

Before Grover could answer the bell rang and I had to run to my second period class.

Luke's P.O.V

'When I see Jackson he's going to get it.' I told myself as I walked to my second class.

I met up with my best friend Frank Zhang, he was also on the football team with me. We walked into Greek and took a seat in the middle of the class, when I sat down the bell rang. 

"Perseus Jackson late again huh?" Our teacher asked as Percy came running into the room.

"Call me Percy," said before taking a seat in the back. 

"My name is Mr. Devvan and that's all you may call me, now does anybody here know how to speak Greek he asked. "

Percy's P.O.V

This teacher Mr. Davvon makes me nervous nobody calls me Perseus unless there's an enemy or they just really want to be one.

"Does anybody know how to speak any Greek," Davvon asked.

My hand shot up and everybody looked at me like I was super weird even the teacher's eyebrows raised in surprise.

"Can you stand up and give us an example?"

"Hi my name is Percy Jackson and I hate school along with everyone in it. Greek is easier for me than English because English is my second language."

I looked around and saw all of these kids looking at me they were surprised. It even took a moment for the teacher to recover from his shock.

"Thank you, Mr. Jackson, I heard before English was your second language but I thought it was a joke can you tell me are you from Greece?"

Right then I knew this was a trap and with everyone looking I couldn't pull out Riptide.

"I don't know who you are and I really don't care but I'm warning you, watch the questions buddy." Then the bell rang, and I quickly grabbed my things to go.


Percy Jackson : A Real Hero With High School ExperienceWhere stories live. Discover now