Chapter 10: Capture the Flag

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Sherry P.O.V

We went to dinner and I had a lot of questions but Annabeth, Percy, and his cousins looked like they were about to break down and cry....... not Percy though, he was trying to comfort them.

We are all on the field getting ready for capture the flag and Piper was showing me how to put on my armor.

When I asked her about Selena she said, "I never met her but I know she was a brave hero who died in the second Titans War. She was beautiful inside and out, a true daughter of Aphrodite."

I saw Cameron getting ready and laughing with her siblings, they all look so much alike it was kind of scary. They all had dark hair and brown eyes and being at Camp I learned to use my senses. I could detect some serious magic coming off of all of her siblings.

Percy P.O.V

I was ready to kick somebody's ass but I soon realized I forgot to give out the teams.

"Gather around," I said " Poseidon, Zeus, Hades, Apollo, and Hecate on the Blue team, and everybody else will be on red. I heard a few groans but I chose to ignore them.

The other team still has a chance they have Ares, Athena, Hermes, and other good cabins. There are plenty of feisty fighters.

After I told my team where I wanted them positioned they were all ready. The horn blew and Thalia and Nico ran to my side so we could get the flag.

One of the Athena kids jumped into Thalia's way and was knocked off his feet with the strike of lightning.

The Athena kid should've known that wasn't wise.

I almost felt bad for the kid but this was war.

"Nico" I yelled "You know what to do" he nodded his head and walked into the Shadows. I heard screaming up ahead and I knew Nico had found the flag.

I told Thalia I'd meet her there but I had to hurry and help. I whistled a New York taxi cab type whistle and blackjack came in an instant.

"Hey Boss," he said

"Come on blackjack we have to find Nico," I said causing him to whine.

"No boss please, I hate death but I do love donuts."

"Okay, Blackjack," I said with a small laugh. "When we find Nico we can go out for donuts deal?"

"Deal" he mumbled.

We rose into the sky and flew towards Nico who is holding off for campers on his own. They didn't notice me so I hopped off Blackjack and knocked two of the campers out cold.

The other two campers ran so I grabbed the flag and hopped back on Blackjack

I told Nico to meet me at the boundary line before he melted into the shadows.

I felt an arrow race past my ear and one hit the target right next to me I took that as a sign to leave.

I met Nico and together we ran on our side causing everybody from our side to cheer. The game was finally over and we had won.

Luke P.O.V

I actually had fun, my new brothers the Stolls showed me how to play Capture the Flag and pull off the best pranks. I couldn't believe this is my life now it was like a book or something ( I wouldn't know I really don't read.)

I even talked to another pretty girl named Carly Casino. She was a daughter of Ares a girl who could really stick up for herself.

Cameron P.O.V

Camp Half-Blood is awesome especially Capture the Flag. Since I've been here I've been learning to use my power... well kind of. I can't do anything big yet but I'm working on it.

I still haven't met mom and it kind of makes me mad and sad. I still dream of the moment I can finally meet her.

Somebody told me there's a chance I could meet her, but so far only two people in our cabin has met her. They described her as beautiful. They said she has long black hair and brown eyes. Sheme sounds wonderful somebody who actually loves me.


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