Chapter 4: Let me kill them

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Cameron P.O.V

We followed Percy's car for what felt like forever. We made sure to keep our distance to go unnoticed and it worked pretty well.

We continued to follow him as he went down the hill and we could see a pretty big camp.

"Wow." We all said in disbelief we couldn't help but be amazed at how the camp looked and how everything was set up.

I heard a horn being blown as we watched a bunch of campers both kids and teens run up to Jackson.

Out of nowhere this blonde girl runs up to him and kisses him, I would've never expected him to have a girlfriend, especially one that loomed like her.

When she finally sees us my skin crawls and I really want to run but I know running won't help now because she's not the only one who sees us so does Percy Jackson.

Frank P.O.V

I've never been so confused in my life but I wasn't confused about one thing and that one thing was Percy giving us a look of pure hate that made my skin crawl.

"What are you doing here?" Percy called out to us.

I felt myself shrink because his words packed so much aggression it was hard not to be scared. One of us was unfazed and that was Luke.

"We wanted to follow the school's loser and maybe kick his ass since I'm in a good mood," Luke said smiling down at him.

Percy looked at the girl from the cafe and she smiled at him.

"I would love for you to meet my cousin Thalia bring them to me," Percy said.

I couldn't help but freak out, the wind was pushing us towards Percy and when Luke was 5 feet away from him he held up his hand for Thalia to stop.

He walked to Luke who lost his smile, he was clearly still in shock.

"I'd love to see you try."

Luke wasn't taking the hint that Percy was obviously not scared and he couldn't help but antagonize him.

"We've been kicking your ass all year you don't scare me," Luke said with no hint of fear in his voice.

"Don't take the bait, obviously they're demigods they can see the camp so you can deal with them later." The blonde girl next to Percy said.

As Percy turned and walked to camp I could feel over a hundred angry eyes glaring at us because Luke had just offended their leader.

With all this going on I finally figured out one thing about Percy Jackson. He was always playing pretend never showing anybody who he truly was.

Annabeths P.O.V

I looked at the four with distaste, they had angered our leader, and my boyfriend and I was not happy about it.

They look at me but they don't dare speak I study them closely. I wanted to know what would make them tick.

"What are your names?" I ask, but right before they could say
anything I cut them off. "You've obviously done something to piss off my boyfriend and honestly I feel bad for you we sta-"

"I'm Luke and honestly I don't care about pissing off that loser he's a nobo-"

Before he could finish I had my dagger to his throat daring him to say something else. 

"Percy wasn't allowed to touch you before, but guess what? I can and even better he can too since we know your demigods and you're not mortal after all." I said before turning my head to the side and yelling out. "Connor and Travis."

"What can we..." Conner started.

"Do for you?" Travis finished.

"I want you to show Frank and Luke around camp," I said before grabbing Connor's shoulder and whispering something in his ear. "I give you permission to not go so easy on them and if anybody has a problem with it tell either me or Percy and we'll deal with it."

Connor and Travis nodded in unison before telling the two to follow them.

Next, I called Thalia and Clarisse and told them to show around Sherry and Cameron. 

After they left I saw that everybody else was still waiting on a command so I turned to the rest of the group.

"Our leader has returned and since he's back he'll choose the activity," I called out. "He'll let you know when he has decided and if he doesn't tell you what you will be doing by dinner time then just ask me. You're dismissed."

I walked to the Poseidon cabin and Percy was in his room panting angrily because of the new recruits.

I kind of felt bad for him, nobody had ever questioned him, and for these nobodies to come to his camp and question his leadership would drive anybody insane.

I put my hand on his shoulder and set him down on his bed.

"You are still our leader and you know we'll stand by you no matter what."

"I have to get ready for the tournaments tonight and I give you permission to decide tonight's Camp game after dinner," Percy said. "If you don't have anything in mind I was thinking that we should play Capture the Flag. But again it's up to you."


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