Chapter Two: Family Reunion

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Thalia's P.O.V

Me and Nico shadow travel to see our cousin Percy. We waited in front of his school for about 5 minutes before he ran out smiling at us

"Hey Seaweed brain," me and Nico say at the same time causing him to laugh.

"Oh we're back to using nicknames again, that's funny death breath, Sparky. You ready to head out?"

"Yeah," I said.

We laughed and joked all the way to the cafe called Mystery of the Deep.

We always came here because the place reminded Percy of his dad and my uncle Poseidon. So naturally, Percy felt close to this place but when we walked in Percy cut his eyes and I felt bad for whoever he was staring at.

I followed his line of sight at this group of teens and that's when Nico cleared his throat to gain our attention.

"Hey, Percy do you know them?" Nico asked.

"They're nobody," Percy said, it took a moment for Percy to respond so it was obvious he knew who they were.

Nico looked ready to point that out so I glared hoping that Nico would get the message and leave it alone.

"Let's go sit they won't ruin my fun, besides I barely see my dear cousins anymore," Percy said before walking ahead of us to find a seat.

Frank Zhang P.O.V

A group of three teens walked into the cafe and one must have told a joke because they were all laughing. I noticed the one in the middle his messy black hair and his seen green eyes it was Percy Jackson.

I got Luke, Cameron, and Sherry's attention and pointed at Percy.

"Look at the freaks." They all glanced over to see what I was talking about and gasped.

"We should listen to them." Cameron suggested, "All we know about him is he leaves for months at a time and has a pretend girlfriend."

Camerons P.O.V

I suggested listening because I had nothing better to do, so I listen closely hoping to hear something interesting.

"So when are you coming back to Camp seaweed brain? We miss our fearless leader who decided to ditch us for high school with a bunch of mortals." The girl in all black asked rolling her eyes, her voice laced with distaste over the situation.

I raise an eyebrow and it's obviously not just me who's confused.

"She's right." The emo kid said. "You know the whole Camp needs the champion back and Annabeth needs her boyfriend back." 

"You two know I'd never turn down an opportunity to kick your ass, so I'll gladly come back to camp this weekend," Percy said with the biggest smile I've ever seen. "And as far as this High School..."

Percy stops talking in English and starts speaking in Greek then the others respond also speaking in Greek. This goes on for about another minute before they all laughed and got up.

"That was weird, Jackson and his friends are weird," I say turning to look at my friends.

"Yeah," Luke said "I agree, I think that's something going on with them maybe we'll find out. I sure plan to."

When we notice they're gone we leave to try and come up with a plan to catch Percy in the act.


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