Chapter 13

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When Sasuke woke up the next day, he was disappointed that Naruto wasn't in the bed. He frowned as he leaned up in the bed on his elbows, searching the room hoping to see blonde locks. He sighed before getting up and throwing on a t-shirt and some sweats, lazily heading to the kitchen.

His eyes widened in surprise as he saw the blonde at the sink, washing the last of the dishes that he used to cook up breakfast. "Hey."

The blonde jumped, almost dropping the dish into the sink. He slowly turned before giving Sasuke a sheepish smile. "Uh, hey?"

Sasuke raised an eyebrow in pure curiosity, deciding to take a seat at the table. "What are you doing?"

"I made breakfast." Naruto nodded his head to the plates that were sitting on the counter.

Sasuke glanced at them. They looked to have eggs, toast and bacon. "I don't remember having any of that."

At Sasuke's reply, the blonde gave him a scowl, setting down the plate louder than he meant. "Yeah. I know. How the hell do you eat around here? I had to walk down to the grocery store cause you have, literally, nothing." He sat down next to the raven and took a stab at his eggs.

Sasuke blinked almost owlishly. "You bought me groceries?"

"Mhm." The blonde had his mouth stuffed with food. He sat up quickly, swallowing. "Oh! I almost forgot. You want orange juice?"

"Orange juice?"

Naruto rolled his eyes as he began to open up cupboards, looking for the glasses. "Yes, bastard, orange juice. You know, the liquid that comes out of oranges?"

Sasuke gave him a glare. "I know what orange juice is, moron. I just mean, that's a little much for just some groceries." Onyx eyes followed the blonde as he went to the fridge. They widened as he saw just how full the fridge now was. "How the hell did you get all these here?!"

Naruto began to pour the juice. "I got a cab back."

Sasuke again watched the blonde as he finished pouring the juice and putting it back. He set a glass in front of the raven and one at his space on the table. He raised an eyebrow as he sat down, questioning Sasuke's stare. "What do you want?"

The raven shrugged as he took a sip of the juice. "Just wondering why you would even bother with going through the trouble of doing all this. I'm hardly ever home to eat anyways."

Naruto's cheeks tinted a light pink. "I-i just wanted to do something nice." He turned away, arms crossed. "And besides," he trailed off, mumbling the rest of the sentence under his breath but his face darkened another shade of pink.

At the blonde's reaction, Sasuke leaned forward on the table, a smirk on his face. "I'm sorry, I didn't quite catch that."

Naruto quickly turned to face him, an embarrassed glare on his face. "I said, last night wasn't the worst experience I've had."

Sasuke's eyes widened at the confession and he sat back in his seat. "Wait. So what exactly are you saying?"

Naruto rolled his eyes and finally managed to control his blush, his face returning to it's natural tan shade. "All I'm saying is that, I wouldn't hate to do this again."

"And sometime soon, huh?" Sasuke smirked. Naruto only returned a questioning look, furthering Sasuke to explain. "There's lots of perishables. I'm not going to eat them, so who else but you?"

Naruto thought it over, blinking owlishly. "I didn't even think about that part."

Sasuke took another sip of his orange juice, feeling superior once again. "So when will you be coming back?"

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