Chapter 10

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The next day, Sasuke began to get ready. He was going to pick up Neji before picking up Gaara and Naruto.
It didn't take long for Sasuke to get ready and he was soon in his car on his way to pick up Neji.
As he was approaching Neji's, his phone began to ring through the car's bluetooth speakers.
"Hello?" Sasuke answered.
"Good afternoon, little brother."
Sasuke scowled at the sound of his older brother's voice. "What do you want now, Itachi?"
"Just making sure you're on your way."
Sasuke rolled his eyes. "Yes Itachi."
"Don't be like that, Sasuke. After you dodging mother and father for months. I don't know what to expect from you anymore."
"Yeah, yeah. I'm picking up Neji now."
"And what of your dinner guests?"
Sasuke let out an annoyed sigh. "I'm picking them up afterwards."
"Good, good. I'll see you all soon then." The call cut off, signaling Itachi hung up the phone.
Sasuke shook his head. He was in front of Neji's apartment building. He parked the car before texting him that he was out front.
It wasn't long before Neji stepped out. He was dressed in black pants and a grey silk button up. His hair was also pulled back into a tight ponytail.
Sasuke smirked as Neji opened the and climbed into the passenger's seat. "Someone sure looks nice today."
Neji rolled his eyes. "I'm trying to impress Gaara without having to use my dick."
Sasuke chuckled as he began to drive. "I think Gaara would appreciate the real you more so. Show off your talents."
"Yeah whatever." The brunette waved him off, pulling out his phone.
"Who're you texting?" Sasuke asked after glancing at Neji a couple times.
"Oh really?"
"Yeah." Neji let out a sigh and rested his head against the seat. "He's saying Naruto's being difficult."
"Tch. What else is new?" Sasuke shook his head.
"He may need your help again. You still remember how to pick locks, right?"
Sasuke raised an eyebrow. "Yeah, I think so."
Neji once again pulled out his phone. "Good."
They were soon at Gaara and Naruto's place. As Sasuke pulled into the driveway, Gaara came out in a pair of dark grey jeans and a black tee with a red and black flannel.
Neji and Sasuke stepped out of the car and made their way towards Gaara.
"Someone's looking nice today." Gaara commented after looking Neji up and down. He gave the brunette a wink.
"Thank you." He smiled at Gaara before flashing a smirk to Sasuke who rolled his eyes.
"So what's the damage?" Sasuke crossed his arms over his chest.
"Naruto locked himself in the bathroom and he took the spare key with him." Gaara gestured with his head to follow him. He led them inside and towards the back of the house.
Sasuke took in as much of the house as he could. There wasn't much furniture but the walls were heavily decorated with pictures and random decor.
Gaara stopped in front of a door and knocked loudly. "Naruto! Open the fucking door!"
"Fuck off!" Came the muffled reply in return.
Sasuke immediately rolled his eyes before kneeling on the floor and taking a look at the lock. "Keep him talking." He whispered.
"Sasuke and Neji are here, we gotta go." Gaara watched as Sasuke began to work.
"They can fuck off too! I'm not going!" Naruto shouted back.
"You already told them that you would."
"I changed my mind!"
"Got it." Sasuke whispered, standing up.
"Last chance Naruto."  Gaara warned with a smirk. Naruto's response was another 'fuck you're. Gaara shrugged before nodding at Sasuke.
Sasuke opened the door abruptly, barging in. He quickly slammed the door behind him and leaned against it with a smirk.
Naruto gasped in surprise, trying to cover his naked body with a towel. "You bastard! What are you doing?!"
"I was going to get your stupid ass out of this bathroom but since you're already naked," he gave the blonde a predatory look.
Naruto gaped at the raven. "Are you fucking kidding me?! Do you not listen?!"
Sasuke shrugged. "Not to idiots."
"Get the fuck out!"
"What's your problem?"
"You! You are my literal fucking problem. So please get the fuck out!"
Sasuke only raised an eyebrow as he studied the blonde carefully.
Naruto began to fidget under Sasuke's intense gaze. "What?"
"Hurry the fuck up. You want me to pick out some clothes for you?"
Naruto narrowed his eyes at the raven. "Stay out of my room!"
"Then quit having your temper tantrum and get ready. You said you'd go so suck it up and keep your word."
Naruto sucked his teeth and turned his head away from Sasuke. He let out an annoyed sigh and crossed his arms over his chest. The towel that he was holding dropped to the floor and Sasuke's eyes immediately gazed upon what was previously hidden. "Get out!"
It took Sasuke a moment to realize that Naruto had spoken. He forced his eyes to look up at Naruto's  face which was still facing away from him. "You finally going to get ready?"
Naruto scowled and glared back at the raven whose eyes went back to reveling at the blonde's body. "Yes you perverted bastard. Now, for the last time, get out!"
Sasuke put his hands up in a surrendering position. "Alright, I'm leaving. Be quick though." He opened the door as Naruto managed to mumble out a 'bastard'. He closed the door with a smirk as both Neji and Gaara gave him curious looks.
"Don't worry, he'll be out soon."
They weren't waiting too long when Naruto made his way to the living room, hair only towel dried. He was wearing a white button up and dark grey jeans. "I'm ready."
Sasuke raised an eyebrow. "You're going like that?"
The blonde narrowed his eyes. "Yes I am. Why, you got a problem?" 
"Nope." He stood up quickly, twirling his keys in his finger. "Let's go."
They followed him out of the house and into Sasuke's car.
The ride to Sasuke's parents was quick. Mostly Neji, Gaara and Naruto filling the silence, with Sasuke occasionally contributing to the conversation. 
Sasuke finally pulled into the driveway of his parents house. He was relieved when he realized the words of his brother was true, his father's car that he only used for long business trip meetings was not parked in it's usual spot.
"Damn Uchiha, you grew up here?" Naruto gaped up at the house. "Lucky bastard."
Sasuke rolled his eyes in response before getting out of the car.
"Little brother, Neji!" Sasuke sneered as a cheerful Itachi made his way to the car from the front door of the house. "So glad to see you!" He stopped in front of the group before giving his attention to the blonde and redhead in front of him. He gave them a superior smirk.
"You must be Gaara," Itachi held out his hand for Gaara to shake. "My name is Itachi, Sasuke's older brother. And you," he turned to Naruto, his smirk seeming to grow wonder. "You must be Naruto, the one driving my little brother crazy."
"Itachi! Sasuke hissed out, glaring at his older brother. Neji and Gaara quickly snickered to each other while Naruto gleefully shook the hand that was offered to him.
"Yep, that's me!" He gave Itachi a toothy grin. "But not by choice. I told the bastard to me alone." He let out a defeated sigh. "He's too far gone though, he has an obsession."
Itachi let out a loud laugh, causing both Neji and Sasuke to give him bewildered looks. Since when did Itachi laugh?! "I like this one. Come now, mother just started preparing dinner and she's so eager to meet you." He gestured to the group to follow him as he made his way to the front door.
"Mother!" Itachi called out as soon as he opened  the door. He stepped to the side to let the others in as he began to take off his shoes. "Our guests have arrived!"
"I'm in the kitchen! You guys can come in!"
This time, Sasuke took the lead and made his way to the kitchen. "Hello mom." He walked up to her side as she was chopping some vegetables, and placed a kiss on her cheek.
"Hello Mikoto." Neji greeted as he sat at the table.
"Nice to meet you, Mrs. Uchiha." Gaara and Naruto politely greeted.
"Oh please, you guys can call me, Mi-" She stopped mid-sentence after turning around. The smile that was on her face slowly turning into a look of surprise. "Naruto?"

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