Chapter 14

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Sasuke leaned back in his chair, his hands folded behind his head as he stared at the clock, counting down the minutes until lunch.

It was Thursday now and the raven could honestly say he's been having the best week. The past two nights, he stayed up way longer than he intended to, having conversations about nothing and everything until one of them fell asleep on the phone. Both instances happened to be Naruto, but he came close to falling asleep on him last night.

He let out a content sigh. He's been on cloud nine and it was all thanks to the blonde. He never imagined he'd be the one to actually want to hang out and call someone to talk for hours, but here he was.

The two decided the night before to meet up at Ichiraku for lunch today and Sasuke was watching the clock all day. Noon could not come soon enough. He made sure to be extra efficient at his work so he wouldn't be a minute late meeting up with Naruto. He let out a bored sigh as he realized he still had fifteen minutes before lunch technically started. Maybe he should just leave now.

Just as he's about to make a decision, a knock on the door interrupts his thoughts and he looked towards the door to see Neji walk in. The brunette leaned against the open door frame, his arms casually crossed over his chest. He gave Sasuke a smirk. "Wanna go get lunch?"

Sasuke slowly gets up from his seat, shuffling papers into place. "I'm actually going to be meeting Naruto for lunch at Ichiraku, we made plans last night." He stood up straight and smirked as Neji just frowned. "Would you like to join us?"

Neji's frown turned back into a smirk and he pushed himself off the frame, uncrossing his arms and placing his hands in his pocket. "Yeah. I'd love to."

The two begin their walk out of Sasuke's office, making their way to the elevator. The doors dinged opened and the two stepped in, Sasuke pressing the button for the lobby. The pair watched as the floor levels descended.

"So, how are things with Naruto?" Neji asked as the elevator finally reached the lobby and the two stepped out, beginning their short walk to the ramen shop.

Sasuke smirked to himself. "Great actually. The past two nights, we've been talking on the phone for hours, not even talking about anything serious, until he falls asleep." The raven was silent for a moment before turning to Neji, giving him a serious look. "I think I may actually be in love with him, Neji."

Neji's eyes widened at the confession before his shock was replaced with a serious look. "Hm, I told you so, Uchiha. I knew Naruto was going to be your type."

"Hn." Sasuke waved him off and shoved his hands in his pocket.

They soon arrived and the two walked into the restaurant. Naruto was sitting in the lobby, legs sprawled out and scrolling on his phone. Hearing the bell ring to indicate the door opening, Naruto looked up and smiled as he saw Sasuke walk in. He stood up and put his phone away to meet the two. He stopped in front of the raven and placed a chaste kiss on pale lips.

Both Neji and Sasuke's eyes widened at the gesture and as Naruto stepped back, he blushed at their reactions. "S-sorry, I shouldn't have done that."

"No." Sasuke quickly shook his head and then smirked at the blonde. "I like it, I was just surprised, is all."

Naruto smiled through his blush before clapping his hands together. "Alright, let's sit!" He led them to a booth that was close to the bar area and the three sat down.

Sasuke sat next to Naruto, Neji sitting in front of them. Sasuke and Neji both reached for a menu, Naruto already knowing what he wanted, casually waited for the waitress to arrive. The raven turned to him, an eyebrow raised. "No menu?"

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