Chapter 2

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Sasuke woke up the next morning to a body pressed to his. He sleepily looked to see, Karen? Kristen? Whoever- lying on his bare chest, a thin line of drool falling from her mouth.

He sneered in disgust before gently pushing her off and sitting up. He grabbed the sheet at his waist and wiped his chest. He turned to his clock that was on his nightstand. It read seven forty-eight. He always seemed to wake up before his alarm after getting drunk.

He stood up to see that he was still naked from the nights activities. He lightly shrugged and grabbed a pair of boxers before heading into the shower.

As he was washing himself, all he could think about was the blonde man he saw. He groaned in annoyance when he felt himself start to get hard. "I'm definitely going to have him tonight." He said to himself. He ignored his hard-on, keeping his mind off the blonde beauty, and finished his shower.

When he went back to his room, the bed was empty and he noticed that the clock now read eight twenty. The alarm must've woken her up. He pulled out a white button up with a red tie and his black dress pants from his closet and got dressed for work.

After adjusting his tie for what felt like the twentieth time, he sighed in defeat and decided it looked fine enough. He walked into the kitchen his kitchen and was surprised to see the woman there, rummaging through his cabinets.

"There's no food." She turned to face him, a frown on her face.

Sasuke went to the fridge and looked inside. There was three six-packs of beer, a couple slices of ham and a cheese stick. He took out the cheese stick and the ham. He threw the cheese stick on the table. "There." He opened the package of ham and took a slice, shoving it into his mouth before plopping down into the chair.

She raised her eyebrow. "That's it?"

Sasuke shrugged, eating another piece of ham.

"I'll go get us something to eat." She said, walking past him.

Sasuke grabbed her arm and looked up at her. "Don't bother. I eat at work."

"Oh. Well, I'll grab something for me and then come back."

He let go of her arm and stood up, looking at her like she just grew another head. "Come back? Why would you come back?"

She frowned at him, not saying anything.

His eyes widened in realization before he let out a laugh. "Obviously you don't know what this is. This is where we go our separate ways, dear. Permanently."

"W-what?" She looked at him, shocked. "Why? You said all those nice things to me last night."

"That was just to get you to come home with me. Have you never had a one-night stand before?" She shook her head and he groaned in frustration and rubbed his temples. "Are you a virgin?"

"N-no!" She stammered, her cheeks turning red in embarrassment. "I just thought that you'd want to be with me."

Sasuke snorted. "Hardly. I just wanted to fuck someone. Nothing personal, just life. Now, I gotta get to work so please see yourself out."

She didn't say anymore, tears silently falling down her face. Sasuke sat down in his seat and finished the last piece of ham. Finally, when she realized he was done talking, she sobbed loudly before running out the door.

Sasuke rolled his eyes and threw out the package before grabbing his keys and heading to work.

The day was uneventful and at his ten minutes before his lunch break, Neji appeared in front of him.

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