Chapter 2: There Is Always A Reason

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" They were at his house. Of course he saw you. So can you stop moving around? You are making me dizzy."
Luhan said annoyed.
Kris sat at the couch pouting. His heart wished Suho would see him. Did he look forward to his performance??
"I'm gonna call Sehun to check on him" Lu said before walking to the door.
Kris looked at him pleading. He needed information.
"Are you serious?? You already made my boyfriend a spy. "
" Well it's not my fault that your boyfriend spends time with Suho more than anyone " Kris said throwing his shoulders up.
Luhan frowned. "I can't believe you guys. He's jealous of you and you're jealous of him. Stop being a little baby pick up the damn phone and call him. "
" He doesn't wanna hear my voice" Kris husky voice became a low whisper. Kris knew it. Suho never forgave him. When 4 years ago, the time exo got a little bit freedom, Suho called Luhan (and Tao too but since they were on bad terms then Kris found out that later), the only sentence was "Kris is doing OK, right? ". That was it. Kris expected Suho calls him too but one day, one week, one year passed and nothing. Why didn't he call? He was scared. He knew Suho wouldn't wanna see him or  hear his voice but he was not gonna face it like that.
Luhan wanted to protest but even himself wasn't sure. If it was 7 years ago he would say there is nothing about Kris that Junmyeon can't forgive but now...  He looked at Tao and Lay with the please-help-me eyes.
"I'm gonna call Hyung anyway. I can put it on speaker. " Lay said trying to boost the mood a little.
It wasn't like Lay or Tao knew about Kris's feelings. No one except Luhan knew. They just thought Kris wants the brotherly love back.
" It's a good idea. He knows we gather around tonight anyway. " Tao put his hand on Kris shoulder. And he nodded. He didn't have a choice.


"He's not gonna pick up. " Luhan said coming back from his call with his boyfriend.
"What? " Kris was losing his mind.
"The guys went out for dinner but Suho didn't. He slept at home apparently he had a headache. "
Kris's heart dropped. What happened? Suho never rejects going out with members. Even if he's in the worst condition, he just pretends he's OK and go because he thinks if he doesn't it's bad for their bond. How bad he could be that he didn't go? Now Kris was more eager to call him. Now the only thing that mattered was to be sure he's OK.
" Ga..." Tao started but didn't know how to finish. His big brother was not OK and it changed in just 10 seconds.
"Do you want me to call Xiumin hyung? "
Kris never stood up so fast. He probably got a cramp but it didn't matter. He passed the phone to Lay.
Lay dialed Xiumin and put on speaker.
"HI hyung. " lay started.
" HI hyung "
" Hey minsoek-ah"
"Hi Minseokie" Lu finished the train.
Xiumin laughed. " Hey guys. Celebrating your amazing night? "
"Hyung... " Lu stopped to look at Kris.
The man was so miserable to talk but got the Lu's hint.
" Minseok-ah. Is he OK? "
Kris sensed Xiumin smile disappeared. THAT WAS NOT A GOOD SIGN.
" Yeah. Just a headache. Nothing a sleep can't solve. " Xiumin tried his best.
Kris lost it. He picked up the phone and turned the speaker off then walked away from the crowed.
" We both know a little headache can't stop him Xiu. What's going on?"
" He's gonna... " xiu stopped for some seconds
" Minseok-ah? "
" I'm not gonna lie, OK? He's not OK Kris. He drank alcohol tonight. The Junmyeon who never drinks. I'm not sure about the real reason and he never talks. You know that. You were the only person the he would tell about his problems. Now that you are gone... "
Kris eyes got teary. His man wasn't OK. The man that he loves was not OK.
" His phone is turned off... "
" Call him tomorrow. His problem isn't for just tonight. Talk to him maybe he tells you. "
" He won't... "
He kind of told himself.
" You won't know if you don't try. " He stopped for a second
"Kris... Life isn't always what you see. " then a beep.
Kris put the phone in his pocket and holded his head. How was he gonna survive till tomorrow.


"Wasn't it a little too far? " Kyungsoo stand beside Xiumin.
"I don't know if he will ever returns Junmyeon's feelings but I'm not gonna let Suho give up without trying. He made himself miserable enough. Things need to change now. "

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