Chapter 50: Wedding Bells

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"Is this really happening?"

"It really is," Ron says as he helps fix Harry's tie. "I still can't believe it- I won't." Harry laughs and slaps his hand away.

He can't either. It feels so surreal. They've been planning it forever and the day is finally here.

"We've talked about this, Ron. You said you were okay with it." Harry turns to look at himself in the mirror and makes the final adjustments to his tie.

"Yeah, yeah, I know. I still can't believe it, though..." Ron trails off in thought. Harry spins around and looks at him.

"I'm glad you could make it, Ron. I've really missed you lately. You haven't been around."

Ron sighs. "I know. I'm sorry, mate. I should've been there for you, and I wasn't, and I'm sorry. I've just been dealing with a lot."

Harry laughs humorlessly. "Trust me. I know what it means to be overwhelmed. I just- Eh, never mind. Forget it. We can talk about this later. I'm just glad you came."

Ron grins and slaps him on the back. "Come on, mate, don't be daft. I wouldn't miss your wedding. Especially since I'm the best man!" Harry returns the energy and clasps his arm around him. "And hey," Ron turns around, and his expression goes serious.

"I'm sorry I haven't been around lately. I've been busy, and I know that's not an excuse, but I'm going to be around more now. You can count on me."

"I know I can count on you, Ron." Then he pinches the red-head and he yelps. "Just don't do it again!"

"Yeah, yeah." Ron brushes his hand away. "Let's get out there." Harry nods, and they walk into an adjoining room.

Fred, Neville, and George's heads snap up when he walks out of the room. They smile at him and move towards him. Fred puts him in a headlock and ruffles his hair. Harry groans and tries to shove him off, but he won't budge.

"Oi! Get off him!" Ron yells at Fred, and George just laughs. Fred releases him, and Harry straightens his clothes.

"So, how do I look?" Harry suddenly feels nervous. Something is missing. He fidgets with his clothes.

"You look great, Harry."

"Thanks, Neville." Harry looks around the room, and his nervous smile turns down at the corners.

The empty space is suffocating. His dad should be here. Sirius. Remus. Arthur. They should all be here to see him off.

His dad should be there to walk him down the aisle. He should be able to kiss his mum's cheek as he passes her by.

He closes his eyes and suppresses those feelings. Today is not a day for sorrow. He has worked so hard to keep those feelings at bay, and now is not the time to let all of that hard work go to waste. He takes a series of measured breathes and lets it go.

Harry stopped dodging going to therapy and got help. He went to see doctors and got brain scans. Both magical and muggle ones to achieve the most accurate results. He swallowed his pride and checked himself into St Mungo's so that they could study and analyze him.

He got his shit together, and now he is better than ever.

"I'm- I'm a bit nervous," he admits sheepishly.

"That's normal mate!" George says.

"It's your wedding day!" Fred butts in. "Of course you're gonna be nervous!"

"Yeah, I guess so." he looks down and the silence stretches. They all seem to clue in on the loss. It's apparent.

"We're here for you Harry," Neville says and smiles at him. "You're gonna do great. After everything you've been through, you deserve to be happy. You deserve to be with the person you love."

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