Chapter 18: Feeling Very Lucky

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Harry looks at the small vial in his hands. Hermione and Ron are sitting around him as they wait for Harry to drink it. They plan to have Harry see Slughorn with the Felix Felices running through his system so that Harry will be lucky and can get the information that Dumbledore needs.

Harry downs the liquid and waits for the effects to hit him. Hermione is on the edge of her seat as she watches.

Then Harry starts to feel all tingly. A smile forms on his face that he can't control. He feels wonderful.

"How do you feel, Harry?" Hermione asks.

"Excellent." He replies cheerfully. "Wonderful."

"So, remember, Slughorn tends to eat early and then takes a walk before returning to his office."

"Right yeah." Harry stands up abruptly. "I'm going down to Hagrid's."

"No, Harry, you have to talk to Slughorn. We have a plan, remember?"

"Yeah, yeah. I just feel like Hagrid's is the place to be tonight." They are looking at him like he is crazy. "Do you know what I mean?"

"No," they both reply.

"Well, then you will just have to trust me. Felix knows what he is doing." And then Harry walks off. He cheerfully greets people on the way out of the common room.

He walks jauntily, with a spring in his step towards Hagrid's, when suddenly he has an idea. Like there is somewhere he needs to go before going to Hagrid's. His feet carry him, and he isn't entirely sure where he is going. He just knows he needs to be there.

Then he feels the need to grab his invisibility robe. Bollocks, he left it in the dorms. And then Harry remembers magic.

"Accio invisibility cloak." He says softly. It appears in his hand a few seconds later. He smiles and pulls it over himself. He continues walking but slows down when he sees students.

Harry rushes forwards and slips into the door that they enter before it shuts.

He looks around the Slytherin common room.

He had been here only once before when he and Ron disguised themselves as Crabbe and Goyle. It is very nice and cozy inside. A large fireplace is off to the side. Lots of sofas and seating areas are scattered around. There are quite a few people here. Some are playing chess, others studying.

Harry starts walking again without a particular plan in mind.

Then he spots familiar people and makes his way towards them. Pansy, Blaise, and Draco are all seated around a coffee table. There are a few other people there as well. Draco is sitting alone on the couch, looking bored. Pansy and Blaise are talking animatedly about something.

Harry decides to go and sit on the couch next to Draco. No one can see him because Harry is careful to keep himself covered with the cloak.

He watches Draco's face. He doesn't have a sneer or a smirk. He looks relaxed, almost disinterested.

His hair is perfectly gelled, and his clothes have not a wrinkle in sight. Draco looks perfect. Devastatingly handsome, Harry realizes. He has always known that Draco was attractive, but now Harry realizes just how fetching he truly is.

Harry studies Draco's face as the firelight reflects off of it.

He wants to kiss him.

Harry's heartbeat increases as the potion makes his hand inch towards Draco. It's like it is amplifying everything Harry is feeling. All of his wants. His needs. Harry has always been very courageous and bold, but this potion is taking it to another level.

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