Chapter 15: Sounds Like a Date

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"Oh, I've been meaning to ask where you were last week, Harry," Ron asks between bites of food. Harry startles and looks up. He was hoping no one had noticed. "You weren't in your bed for a few nights. Were you with this secret girlfriend that you haven't told us about? The blond one?"

Harry's cheeks color, and suddenly his plate seems very interesting.

"You've got a girlfriend, Harry?" Ginny asks. "That's...great." He senses a tone of disappointment. Harry got the sense that Ginny had a bit of a crush on him, or at least she used to.

"Blond?" Hermione perks up, suddenly interested in this conversation as well. Dean and Seamus lean their heads forward as well.

"What's this about a secret girlfriend, Harry?" Seamus asks.

"Yeah," Dean says. 

"Girlfriend?" Neville hears them and asks as well. Luna passes by and pushes her glasses up onto her head.

"Harry, have you got a girlfriend?" She says in her sing-songy voice. "I always thought you'd be into blonds." Her eyes go over to the Slytherin table, and Harry's eyebrows stitch together.

"Is it Luna?" Neville asks, and his eyes go to Luna. He looks disappointed as well.

"Silly Neville, how could I be the girlfriend if I just heard the news?" She laughs softly and then seems to float away from the table back to Ravenclaw.

"Odd, that one." Ron shakes his head and takes a swig from his pumpkin juice.

"I think she's magical," Neville says in a sort of trance as he watches Luna sit. He clears his throat when he notices everyone staring at him. "Did I say that out loud?"

"You're perfect for each other, mate," Ron says and chuckles. "So, about this girlfriend..." Everyone turns to look at Harry again.

"Erm... she's-"

"Draco Malfoy."

Harry's head snaps up. "What?" He says rather shakily. When did it get so hot in here?

"Look, he's walking over here." Ginny points to the blond Slytherin, who is heading in their direction.

Harry's eyes widen as he gets closer. Draco finally looks up and meets Harry's eyes. Harry scowls, remembering what happened last time they spoke. Draco's hopeful expression drops, and he falters. He shakes his head and keeps walking until he is only a meter or so from Harry.

"Can I talk to you, Harry?"

"No, you can't, you arse-" Ginny pauses in her cursing and looks up at Draco with a confused expression. "Did you just call him Harry?"

"Eh," Draco looks unsure, which is a rare look on him. "No?"

To be honest, he looks awful. This is the first time Harry has seen him since that day. He doesn't look like he has slept a wink or eaten anything. He looks like a gust of wind could blow him away.

"You're acting strange, Malfoy. What do you want?" Ron is instantly defensive. "Is this some sort of prank? Why are you here?"

"I just wanted to talk to Ha-Potter for a second." Draco looks meek, small. Unsure of himself. Like he wants to turn around and run far away.

"Well, too bad. He doesn't want to speak to a dickhead like you anyway. Do you, Harry?" Ron looks smug.

"Well..." Harry says sheepishly. All of his friends turn to him with varying expressions of bewilderment.

"You can't be serious, Harry," says Hermione.

Harry sighs. He looks up at Draco and frowns. He really shouldn't listen to what he has to say, but curiosity is getting the better of him. Draco looks impossibly desperate. Besides, Harry can always hex him if something goes wrong.

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