Chapter 4: Blond

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Harry has been staring at the Marauder's map forever. His eyes keep drifting shut as he watches Malfoy's name pace around and around and around. Ron suggested that Harry spy on Malfoy to see if he is doing anything strange. He is still holding out hope about the blond, but Harry is curious all the same.

He watches as Draco's inky feet go in circles. Harry's frown continues to deepen, and he decides to shut the map. Ron also suggested following Draco, but Harry is hesitant to do something like that.

They had been on reasonably good terms lately; no scuffles, and he doesn't want to mess that up. But at the same time, what is Malfoy up to? Harry is conflicted. He bites his lip as he ponders.

The evidence is pretty damning. Harry had caught Malfoy doing several suspicious things on multiple occasions, and he can't just ignore that. Because what if Malfoy is doing something terrible and Harry misses it? What if someone gets hurt? If Malfoy cursed that necklace meant for Dumbledore, then Harry is making the wrong decision.

Harry groans and rolls over; he needs to investigate. Malfoy is not entirely guilty in his mind yet. Harry needs more substantial proof.

And so, Harry sets his mind to it. He is going to use that Gryffindor bravery and ask Malfoy about it. But how can he do that without Malfoy getting suspicious? Harry is thinking of possibilities when Ron asks a question.

"What do you think Dean sees in Ginny?"

"What?" Harry asks. He wishes Ron wouldn't have said anything. He was right in the middle of a plan formulating in his head. And as soon as Ron spoke, it turned into vapors, vanishing from his mind completely.

They talk about Dean for a bit. Ron says that he has to hate Dean on principal or something.

Harry isn't paying attention and is hoping that his lack of talking will get the conversation to stop so that he can get back to what he is doing. But Ron is determined to talk to Harry. Harry sighs and answers the question.

"I dunno, she'" Harry is having trouble coming up with words to describe Ginny. He is rather busy at the moment. "She has" Harry groans internally, even he knows that is a strange thing to say. But that was all he could come up with.

"Hermione has nice skin." Ron clears his throat. "As far as skin goes..."

Malfoy has nice skin.

Harry's eyes widen. No, he doesn't. Well... he does. But why is Harry thinking about Malfoy's skin? They are supposed to be talking about girls. Harry is looking for evidence that Malfoy is trying to kill Dumbledore, and instead, all he can think about is Malfoy's skin.

Harry grumbles to himself about how he shouldn't be thinking about Malfoy's skin. It is always perfect. The blond never has acne. Harry wonders if he has a whole skincare routine. Malfoy seems like the type.

What a diva.

Harry smiles to himself as he pictures it.

"Who?" Ron asks, and Harry freezes. He didn't even realize he was saying anything. He thought he was thinking in his own head. Bollocks.

"Uh-erm." He stutters. "This...girl I know."

"Go on." Ron urges, suddenly interested. "Does the Chosen One have a crush? Why didn't you tell me? I reckoned we were best friends."

"We are. We are. It's just that..." Harry isn't sure how to fix this. He guesses he will play along with whatever Ron is thinking. It has to be better than the truth. "It's not a crush...I don't know."

"Well, don't leave out the details. Who is this girl? What house is she in? What does she look like?" Ron bombards Harry with questions, and he cringes. He has dug his own hole, and now he will have to dig himself out of it.

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