Oh I Do Like Guys, Just Not You

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Description: Harry almost always comes off as confident in himself, no matter what it concerns. Even when it comes to his stepbrother's best friend, Louis, who Harry is convinced has a crush on him as well. But no matter how blatantly obviously Harry flirts with Louis, the boy only seems to laugh at him or roll his eyes, returning the banter with sassy comments and snarky remarks. That is until they kiss one night at a party, and then the unlimited fun begins. Or at least that's what Harry confidently thought at the time.

A/N Hi everybody, this is my first Larry fan fiction, and I really hope you like it. This is of course only fun and games and has no ties to real life events. I appreciate anyone who feels like giving my story a chance, and I hope you enjoy it.

Update: I have posted an edited version of this book on AO3 for those who prefer to read there. The storyline is the same but with fewer mistakes. Enjoy!

Oh I Do Like Guys, Just Not You (L.S)Where stories live. Discover now