Chapter 12

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Weeks go by like this, utter bliss and sex and cute little texts. Whenever Louis is over, he comes into Harry's room after Liam falls asleep, and Harry is always waiting for him. The sex only gets better as they tune into each other's bodies, Louis being more comfortable dominating Harry while the younger boy revels in teasing and submission.

And every time, Harry will fall asleep in Louis' arms, warm, cuddled and comfortable, and he will wake up alone, cold and a little bit disappointed, no matter how much he expects it.

Still, the butterflies roaming Harry's body seems to be unaware of the fact that him and Louis are not dating, and he really shouldn't let them be, because he knows that he is letting himself fall for Louis. Sometimes though, he feels like Louis is falling for him too. At least a little.

Harry also seems to constantly be sporting at least five love bites - usually Louis is nice enough to leave then below his collarbones, his thighs or other places easily hidden by clothes, but more than once has he been wearing turtlenecks to cover them up which looks utterly ridiculous.

Whenever the two of them are in the same room, they seem to be touching, looking or smiling, and it's not just Harry who thinks so - Niall does too, and he encourages Harry to go for it time after time while Zayn just quietly observes them.

Harry doesn't go for it though, just enjoys what he can get, too scared to ruin it. They did agree not to have a relationship after all.

If all five of the boys are together, Liam is too obviously crushing on Zayn to notice Harry and Louis' not so discrete flirting, and they often sit entangled under blankets, whispering about Liam's entertaining, yet slightly embarrassing, attempts at flirting - which Zayn returns way more eloquently - however, he absolutely refuses to acknowledge that he is flirting back whenever Harry or Niall comments on in.

All in all, everything really is great, and as Harry sits in Thursday's art class - a class he only took because it was this or an extra gym class which wouldn't happen in a million years: Harry may like balls, but not that much - he is chatting with Zayn, and he knows he should stop talking about Louis, but he really doesn't want to, no matter how many times Zayn rolls his eyes.

They each have a blank canvas and trays of paint in front of them, waiting for the teacher to stop talking, so they can start today's assignment: Love.

Harry can't help himself from prodding Zayn with a clean paint brush, the other boy squirming a laughingly telling him to "Be nice and go back to being lovesick, please."

Harry isn't lovesick, but he'll let the comment slide, considering that they're meant to start their assignment now. He knows exactly what he is going to paint, and not two minutes later, Harry is excitedly trying to catch Zayn's attention.

"Look at this! Isn't it cute?!", he grins, holding up his canvas towards Zayn with a big smile, so the other boy can see the two painted boys holding hands.

"That is utterly and horribly ugly, Haz". Zayn's voice displays nothing but his severely unimpressed state which Harry finds quite offensive.

"Gasp! That's homophobic, Zayn!". This triggers an exaggerated eyeroll and a small smile.

"I'm not homophobic. You're bad at painting".

As Harry opens his mouth to display his offence, Zayn cuts him off. "It's literally two stick figures with oversized eyes and spaghetti for hair." He can't seem to stop laughing, even as Harry mumbles something about 'disrespecting the arts' and 'didn't realize you suddenly became an art critic'.

Still, Thursday is a pretty good day, especially when Louis texts him to meet up by his car at lunch, squeezing in time for quick blowjobs in the backseat and a lot of kissing - Louis started parking in the far-off corner of the parking lot for this purpose exactly.

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