A/N Treated myself to a piece of candy for every 100 words I wrote. Turned into every 10 words. Meh, shit happens.
When Harry wakes up the first time, it's only 7 AM, and by now he would usually be sleeping in an empty bed. Right now, however, he is severely entangled with Louis who almost manages to wrap around the younger boy entirely, despite their size difference.
Harry's head is pressed against Louis' chest, and one of his legs is tangled between Louis'. He feels warm and comfortable - mostly because Louis is still here.
Could he be here because he wanted to make sure that Harry was alright? Maybe it was an accident, and Louis just fell asleep? Or is he here because he thinks Harry might be in the mood when they wake up?
He goes with the last option, because that's what they do. They're not dating, they're just fuckbuddies, and that's fine.
Apparently, Harry has been moving around a bit too much, and he can feel Louis stirring beside him, before the older boy's groggy voice mumbles, "Go to sleep, babe. It's too early".
Harry is almost scared to move again, in case it will make Louis realize he's still in Harry's bed. But it's too late, Louis is awake and looking down at him, the position giving him an adorable double chin, so Harry decides to try and keep him there in another way. "Um, we can do it now... if you want, I mean. Since I didn't feel like it yesterday".
In some way, Harry wants to - they are fuckbuddies after all and the sex is great, but mostly he just wants to believe that Louis is still in his bed because he wants Harry to be okay, and the proposal was his way to maybe dim down the butterflies a bit.
"No, Hazza. Sleep," Louis' voice is still groggy, and he doesn't sound like he is intending on getting up anytime soon. And that, combined with Louis hugging him just a bit tighter, makes Harry feel like the butterflies in his tummy doesn't have to be a problem, maybe Louis has them too, and he easily falls asleep again.
When Harry wakes up the second time, it's because Louis is slowly and carefully rolling him away from his body, so he can get out of the bed. As the older boy senses Harry's eyes on him, he stops moving, instead opting for a short kiss to Harry's cheek. "Sorry, didn't mean to wake you up".
The grogginess is gone from his voice, and he sounds like he's been awake for a while, as he continues, "I need to go, before Liam wakes up and realizes I didn't sleep in his room".
Harry just nods and sits up a bit, so Louis can remove his arm completely.
Both Harry and Liam have a door to their shared bathroom, and Louis chooses this as the easiest way to return, as it gives him the excuse of having been in there for a while in case Liam already woke up.
Just as Louis is about to leave, the sound of a toilet flushing reaches the room, and as one, Harry and Louis looks at each other in horror. Liam's awake and out of bed.
Yet Harry decides to stay positive for as long as possible and suggests that Liam might not has noticed Louis' absence which results in dripping sarcasm from Louis.
"Yeah, because surely he didn't notice waking up in an empty bed."
And that's a fair point, because Harry takes notice of it every time it happens to him. But he is desperate to figure this out without Liam noticing, as he is terrified it will ruin things between him and Louis - just as it was starting to go pretty well, and maybe his idea isn't great, but at least he is contributing.
"Maybe sneak out my window and come in the front door. Just say you went for a morning walk or something." This releases a scoff from Louis and another sarcastic outburst. "Yeah sure, without shoes on. Because that's something a normal person does".

Oh I Do Like Guys, Just Not You (L.S)
FanfictionHarry almost always comes off as confident in himself, no matter what it concerns. Even when it comes to his stepbrother's best friend, Louis, who Harry is convinced has a crush on him as well. But no matter how blatantly obviously Harry flirts with...