{1} Stucky

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Nothing of this is mine except for the story itself. The characters, art and everything is not mine.

Steve woke up from noise he heard in the living room. He went out of his room to go check, his shield by his side in case someone broke in.

There was a silhouette of a person on the couch watching TV. "Huh? Oh Steve, sorry if I woke you up it's just... I can't sleep, I don't feel so good(tell me you got that reference) s-sorry".

"oh Bucky, it's just you... I thought someone broke in bu-wait your not feeling good whats wrong?"
Steve asked while getting closer to Bucky and sitting down next to him.A worried face on him.

"I don't know... Maybe I cached a cold or something I-*insert horrible caughing(?)*sorry" Bucky answered, feeling bad for not feeling good.

Steve put his hand on Bucky forehead"Oh shit, your hot as Lava" Steve said concerned and worried at the same time.

"L-language" Bucky threw in with a soft smile.

"does your throat hurt? Do you feel cold or hot? Do you need anything? I'm gonna take care of you know" Steve told Bucky in a way he couldn't say no cause Steve wouldn't let him answer or complain.

He picked bucky up from the couch and led him to his room. "I'll be back in a minute I'm gonna get a wet towel for you... Do you need anything else? I mean probably sleep cause it's 3 AM but you know?"

"no I suppose not but thank you, you don't have to do this"I

(at this part I fell asleep btw but we are back at it after a 4h nap)

"but I want to Buck, if you need someone to take care of you then I'm gonna do that and obviously you are sick so you need someone"Steve told him concerned about the fact he doesn't really want it.

Steve went to the bathroom to get a towel and the kitchen for a tea. Meanwhile Bucky just made himself comfortable in his bed and waited for Steve to come back.

"hey Buck, are you cold?" he heard a yell from the kitchen. "Yeah kinda, why?"
"just so I know". Steve went to his own room to grao one of his hoodies for Bucky.

"Here put that one, yeah Buck?"Steve ordered Bucky "Wh-? Yeah fine" half asleep Bucky put the hoodie on and lays down comfortable.

"im gonna get your tea, ok?"


When stve came back he just saw Bucky coughing and sniffing like-I don't even now what to compare to that.

"Oh God Buck, are you okay?"

"mhm I'm fine" he answered with raspy voice that you could barely hear.

"Here drink some tea,bub"Steve said softly with the softest smile alive.

" thanks Steve, I appreciate that, really"Bucky replied really soft so bis voice wouldn't disappear completly.

"no problem Buck, you need it" Stve answered while slowly coming nearer and embracing him into a little hug.


"what's wrong?"

"could you maybe, just if you want, stay here for the rest of the night?"

"of course" Stve replied with a soft smile.

They fell asleep hugging each other, Bucky snuggling into Steve's chest.

The next day natasha looked after them "hey boys, you still sleepin?" without asking herself why they are together in the smqe bed or something like that.

"Huh?oh, good morning natasha. Bucky is sick so I take care of him" Steve answered kinda sleepy.

"yeah I see that but do you wanna eat some breakfast?"

"yeah one minute"

This is Defenetly not about me and my gf when I was sick 😳nope also idk if I can update every day cause school just started for me but in 1 week I'm free for 2 weeks so then I have enough time to write

{Stucky}{Evanstan} ¦ One shots ¦Where stories live. Discover now