Chapter 39: Rescue, Release, Rekindle

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Hi everyone, SK here.

After this one, there are seven more chapters left!!  I know, it feels weird to say.  This book has honestly been a big part of my life for the past year (yunno, since August because that's when it was published) and seeing all your comments pop up every Sunday makes my day even though the majority of them are A) yelling at characters, B) yelling at me, or C) just yelling.  Still, I love the community that was created with this book, and I'm grateful for it every day.

ANYWAY.  Enough feels from me, let's begin.  Do you believe that there are actual happy moments in this chapter? *gasp* I know, what a change from me.  Enjoy~!

!!! WARNINGS: Violence, death


Back when Valerie was in the middle of her test...

I jump up in alarm when a human guard suddenly bangs loud, very loud, on the bars.  Every single one of the fairies are alerted by now, sadly even the ones that were trying to sleep while we were alone, and I am very wary as to what this human wants.

Verity isn't here, the Ministers aren't here, Mom and Dad sure as hell aren't here, and Valerie... she's not here either.  It's just me.  I need to be something for the fairies to look up to.

That's what I'm telling myself, but it's so hard.  It's so hard.  Grief and despair are consuming me bit by bit, and I don't even feel like a Leader even if I am.  However, I do have my parents' genes and their beliefs.  Even if the odds are against me, I have to try; who else will?

The guard who was banging the bars earlier gives all of us fairies a crooked grin that makes me want to turn away in disgust and shrivel up in fear at the same time.  She gruffly picks up the cage that is holding not just me and takes us away from the rest of the fairies.  They're clearly concerned (I am too, what happens if I d-die and the Necklace is lost?), but it's my job to calm them down.

"We'll be back soon," I call out to them, and I'm met with a grave look from a lot of the fairies.  One strikes me hard in particular- Bonnie's.  She's like my aunt, she was basically Mom's younger sister.  She doesn't want to lose me like she lost her sister.  

I don't want to lose me either- the Necklace and the balance are way more important than my life, but it just so happens that me being alive is a big factor for both of those things being okay.  

The cage swings back and forth as the human walks, and of course my damned motion sickness begins to come into play.  My hands instinctively find their way to my mouth and stomach as I turn to stare outward.  Thank goodness the human doesn't seem to be walking far, because after a few minutes she pushes open a very familiar door- the one we went through to see Lance the first time.  

"August," Mallow whispers, catching my attention.  I turn to her as she continues, her voice growing more concerned.  "Are you okay?"

I smile weakly at her.  "Motion sickness.  I'm fine though."  Motion sickness is hardly the most terrifying threat right now...

It doesn't seem to convince Mallow, let alone Lillie or Clemont.  

"Lance, I brought the fairies that you requested," says the guard to Lance who's currently got his back facing us.  The girl rests the cage down on the table that Lance is sitting at, and I breathe a tiny sigh of relief because my motion sickness will begin to die down again.

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