HELLUVA BOSS - Loo Loo Land // S1: Episode 2

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"Mommy, Daddy!!!" A little owlet yells...

Stolas walks into the little owl's room, "Dear, what troubles you, my owlet?"

The little owl shakes under her blankets, "Daddy, Daddy..." She cries and runs to him, hugging him, "I had a dream, a really. bad. dream..."

Stolas picks up his daughter, "*yawn* a nightmare..."

"I was looking all over the palace! And I couldn't find you anywhere! You weren't there!"

"There, there via, it's okay, you're okay..." Stolas says

His book that Blitzo took was floating right behind him, "When, you are scared... and you don't know where I am... You must remember, no matter what happens to me, I will never be far away from my special little starfire..."


It always seems more quiet in the dark
It always feels so stark
How silence grows under the moon
Constellations gone so soon
I used to think that I was bold
I used to think love would be fun
Now all the stories have been told
Except for one

As the stars start to align
I hope you take it as a sign
That you will be okay
Everything will be okay
And if the seven rings collapse
Although the day could be my last
You will be okay
When I'm gone you'll be okay
And when creation goes to die you can find me in the sky
Upon the last day
And you will be okay

-- back to the story--

There was a crashing sound and Octavia (the baby owl, now a teen) wakes up angry...

Her mother continues to yell, "I can't believe you slept with an imp! And now I'm fucking mad!!!"

Stolas tries to defend himself, but his wife continues to yell... Octavia puts in earbuds and plays, 'My world is burning down around me'

A potted plant was thrown on the ground and Octavia hops over it...

"You want to fuck this one too!?" Stella screams throwing a butler at Stolas

"No... of course not..." Stolas answers holding out his arms in defense

"What about her!?" Stella points to Scarlette who was at their kitchen table drinking a milkshake and staring nervously at them.

"You are a damn embarrassment! I'm not spending another moment looking at your pathetic imp sucking face!!!" Stella yells, then leaves...

Octavia sits next to Scarlette...

"Good morning, Octavia! Did you sleep well my owlet?" Stolas smiles turning around

"A serious question?" Octavia mumbles, setting her cup down, looking at Scarlette

"Mmhmm... What's that you're listening to?"

"This. song. is called, my world is burning down around me... it is by, fuck you dad..."

Stolas looked sad, while pulling out zebra meat, "Oh... how charming..."

He feeds his pet plant.

"So... you two done screaming for the day?" 

"Um..." Stolas starts, but the sound of Stella screaming made him stop

"We guess that... is a no..." Scarlette replies

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