Summoning a demon - part 5

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Kill it. Kill it with fire.

De'rek is still confined to the summoning circle when he visits Stiles, but the human is more comfortable around him and dares to walk around without expecting the demon to suddenly jump him. Right now, the boy is examining himself in the mirror on the inside of the door of his closet. He rubs his hand across his chin thoughtfully. "Do you think I need a shave?"

De'rek looks at the sad excuse for facial hair that grows on his cheeks; the fuzzy hairs obscure the sharp lines of Stiles' jaws. "Yes," he says with a deeply felt conviction.

"Dude. Tell me how you really feel!" Stiles turns around to frown at him, clearly affronted by his direct answer. "There's nothing wrong with my beard. It's part of the lockdown experience."



"Scruff. Beard is too big a word to describe what you have going on there." De'rek nonchalantly waves a hand in the direction of the human's face. Stiles can't help but track the pointed nails that are aimed in his direction; the demon sighs internally and considers briefly to grow them out longer to scare the boy. He doesn't, though, and tucks his hand back into his lap.

"As if you have much room to talk! You're either hairy all over or you have wicked sideburns but you lose your eyebrows!" Stiles turns back to his closet, his mind likely already moved on from the topic of beards to his next snack. He has a stash of chips and cookies on one of the shelves. There's a bag of truffle and sea salt chips in there that De'rek likes. He commented on it once when Stiles was praising the merits of 'good old Cheetos'. The boy called him a 'snob', yet not even a week later the bag of chips appeared. "What does a demon know about beards, or shaving for that matter?"

De'rek rolls his eyes and morphs into his humanoid form. He has grooming his facial hair down to perfection, if he says so himself. Handsome as the devil, isn't that how the saying goes?

The slight movement triggers Stiles to turn around and he promptly chokes on the oreo he just put in his mouth. His eyes are wide as saucers and his face goes startling red.

"You...Motherfucker, you look like that?! What the... Why do you... How. Why?"

De'rek can't help but smirk at Stiles' reaction. "Either close your mouth or swallow your food, it's disgusting."

"You're disgusting," Stiles throws back weakly, but he does as De'rek says. The blush doesn't go away though.

"Want me to turn back?" It's asked teasingly, to provoke the human into denying it. De'rek is so used to being in his humanoid form when visiting this dimension on his own, that he feels himself standing out more and more when spending time with Stiles in his demon form. Not that Stiles had reacted negatively to his appearance before, save for the minor adjustment period needed when the boy had summoned him mid run and he emerged in the summoning circle on four legs instead of two.

"No, that's okay," Stiles says in a cramped voice. He swallows tickly, undoubtedly to get rid of the cookie crumbs coating his esophagus. "I was just surprised to see you have eyebrows now."

De'rek stays to watch the movie Stiles invited him for. He has decided to look at the human's request for platonic companionship as refreshing instead of odd. The demon learned quickly that Stiles is easy company, if not slightly annoying or baffling at times. Still, he prefers the boy's incessant talking over the next spurned lover who wants to use him for revenge, whether it be material or carnal.

Determining the goal of the human's appeal is tricky sometimes, as it can vary from visit to visit. Sometimes De'rek is there for fifteen minutes, other times for a few hours. It's usually in the afternoon, after Stiles' online classes have ended, or in the early evening like tonight. The underlying motive is always to have company, yet the designation varies from having a chat to watching a movie together and everything in between. One time he was summoned because Stiles wanted to rant about one of his professors. That was a quick visit, because Stiles still had a lot of coursework to do and after having his chance to vent, De'rek was politely dismissed. However, whatever the request is, De'rek is obligated to to fulfill it before he can return to his own dimension. Typically it takes an offering from the human's side to get his wishes fulfilled, big or small, and Stiles has the hospitality part of their deal down by now. There's always a beverage waiting for him, hot or cold. It took a couple of tries for Stiles to master the coffee machine, and he'll never be able to recreate Isaac's skills, but De'rek is pleased with the coffee he is offered nowadays.

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