Egging your house

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"I'm not doing it." Derek glared at the large carton of eggs in Erica's hand. Where on earth she had gotten a carton with 24 eggs from at 1 in the morning was one of life's greater mysteries.

The girl was turned in the front seat, glaring at him in equal measure. "It's a dare, Derek. That's the way it works. Either you do it, or you tell us the truth about who you have a crush on."

He snatched the eggs out of her hand, mumbling a few choice words about evil blondes who were out to make his life a living hell.

"That's my girlfriend you're talking about, man," Boyd commented dryly from his place in the driver's seat.

Derek would have said something along the likes of 'bros before hos', except Erica was his bro too. An evil one, with red killer lipstick and matching heels. However, no matter how close these bros were, he wasn't going to tell them about his pathetic crush on a sophomore student.

He scrambled out of the car, a light blue sedan that belonged to Boyd's grandmother, careful not to drop the eggs prematurely. He would consider dropping the whole carton, if he wasn't sure that Erica would come up with something even worse than egging a random person's house in its place.
They were on a quiet street, with average sized houses and neatly kept front yards. With a little luck, the people in this neighbourhood were so used to a night of untroubled sleep, that they wouldn't even wake up from their deep slumbers. Derek winced at his own thoughts. Who was he kidding? With his luck, he would wake up the whole street and be carted off in a police car before he even used all the eggs.

"Come on, Der-bear, we don't have all night!" Erica was leaning over Boyd's lap to smirk at him through the lowered window. The car was parked on the other side of the street, so she had to raise her voice to a level that Derek was far from comfortable with on this quiet night.

"Shut up! I'm doing it already," Derek hissed back, afraid her yelling would rouse the unsuspecting inhabitants of the house they'd picked for him. He mentally told the house owners he was sorry before he lobbed the first egg, targeting the side of the garage that protruded from the side of the house. He figured it was a safe target: a solid wall that wasn't directly connected to the main structure of the building. The sound of the egg hitting that wall wouldn't wake anyone up.

"Target the windows!" Erica pushed gleefully, her voice a mixture of laughter and shouted whispers that sounded louder than the next splat of an egg hitting the target. This one connected with the banister that rounded the porch. Another egg hit the rose bush that climbed up to the second level of the house; Derek figured it would dampen the blow and it was still close enough to the windows to hopefully appease Erica.
"Don't be such a baby, Derek. We know your aim is better than that!"

"She's right, man," Boyd added, sounding not in the least as if he was watching his friend egging a stranger's house in the middle of the night. You'd think he was just sitting at their usual lunch table at school. "Coach would tell you his dead grandma could've done a better job."

It had nothing to do with his aim. His aim was perfect, whether it was with a baseball or an egg. Derek was just trying to hit the safest places, to make the chance of getting caught as small as possible. However, if he didn't hit a window soon, the ruckus his friends made would surely wake someone up.
Derek said a quick Hail Mary, mainly aimed at his mother not finding out, and started to make his way through the egg carton more rapidly. If stealth didn't do it, then he had to rely on speed.

He was maybe three-quarters through the contents of the carton when a car suddenly rolled up behind him and turned smoothly into the driveway Derek was standing in. A heart attack would be preferable to the way Derek's heart suddenly shot up in his throat and then dived into his stomach at breakneck speed. His eyes were glued to the side of the car, where a gold star flanked the letters 'Beacon Hills Sheriff Department'.
A man with slightly greying hair and keen, narrowed eyes got out of the car. "What do you think you're doing, kid?"

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