Egging your house - bonus chapter

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Showing up at Stiles' house for clean up duty was every bit as awkward as you'd expect. Derek knew for a fact that he was beet red for at least the first half hour. Luckily, Stiles wasn't doing that much better. He kept throwing Derek glances when he thought the older boy wasn't looking and every few minutes he'd come up with something to say only to abort the sentence barely three words in. However, you can't keep reaching into the same bucket for the sponge and not somehow end up talking. Derek may not be Mister Social, yet even he got talking eventually. And when he did, Stiles followed.

"Kinda weird, that we've been dating without us knowing anything about each other," Stiles teased lightly, scrubbing dried egg yolk from the porch banister.

"I know some things about you," Derek argued before he could think better of it.

"You do, do you?" Stiles smirked slyly and Derek splashed him with water from the hose he's using to carefully clean egg white residue from the rose bushes.

"You're in my math class. I know you're good at math."

Stiles huffed. "Too easy."

"Okay." Derek paused for a second and then added: "Stiles is not your real name. Your real name is something Polish or Russian with too many consonants."

"Still too easy, dude. And it's Polish, by the way, not Russian."

"I know your family is Polish, to some degree." Derek ducked to avoid getting hit in the face with a dirty sponge.

"You're just making deductions now." Stiles was scowling a little. It's kinda cute.

"Well, I'm not wrong, am I?"

The boy put his hands on his sides. "What's my favourite colour?" he demanded.

"Easy," Derek answered, liking how he could rile Stiles up. "Red."

Judging by Stiles' face he was right. "How would you know that?"

"You have this red hoodie you're always wearing." It had been a lucky guess, yet Stiles didn't need to know that.

Stiles rolled eyes. "Okay, fine, sure, I'm an open book." He spread his arms and Derek used the moment to lob the sponge back to him so he could continue with the clean up. Not that he wanted to be done quickly, not really. He was enjoying himself, actually.

"What's your favourite?"

"Favourite what?"

The younger boy made an exasperated face. "Colour, big guy. Your favourite colour."

"Oh, uh, green, I guess."

"I guess?" Stiles threw his hands up. "How can you not know what your favourite colour is? Okay, you know what, never mind. It's Twenty Questions time. That's what we're gonna do. Favourite superhero. Go!"

Derek blinked at the sudden onslaught of words. "Uh. Superman," he finally said.

"Figures," Stiles said, as if it meant something. "Batman for me. Your turn."

"Favourite food?" Derek asked, thinking about how that could maybe help him in the future. He was definitely thinking about asking Stiles out, had been since last night, really.

"Curly fries, hands down," Stiles answered with a firm nod. "Nothing better than curly fries." Then he stared expectantly at Derek until he remembered to answer.

"Thai curry," he offered quickly. "Or my mom's beef stew. It's a tie between those two, really."

"From that tiny Thai place next to the dry cleaners downtown?" Stiles asked curiously. When Derek nodded he made an agreeing noise. "Good choice." Then he launched into the next question and some time later they're discussing Coach Finstock's antics when Stiles' father came to check on them.

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