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Instead of my usual seat, which had been taken by some redhead who looked suspiciously like William down to the hairstyle, I was seated next to a kid with purple hair.

Other than the hair, the purple clothes, and the pearlescent orb hairpins, he looked just like William. He wasn't as laden with scars and he was clean shaven, unlike William who had the beginnings of a scruffy beard and mustache. How many William clones are there?

"Hi." His voice sounded akin to what I assume must be his brother, except wobbly and ready to break at any given moment. "I'm Olean- Ol- Just call me Ollie."

Oleander? By the time he had gotten to the last syllable of his own name, his voice just gave out. Like he wasn't able to say more than three syllables at a time.

"I'm Henry." I introduced myself. "Do you know William Trappe by any chance?"

"Three?" Ollie repeated. "He's my brother." Well, that explains the uncanny resemblance. But what was up with the numbers?

The rest of biology went by smoothly, save for Ollie's muttering to himself in what I'm 75% sure is French. Sometimes the redhead, Flaminio as he introduced himself as, would turn around and help Ollie with some things.

I just worked in silence, not paying much attention to either brother. The bell rang at the right time, prompting the whole class to pack up and leave.

I had everything put in my bag when Ollie tapped my arm. I looked up, at his similarly haunting silver eyes. "Where did Three go?"

"William? He said he promised Six and Five he'd meet them somewhere." I had no idea who Six and Five were, but I assumed they were more Trappe clones.

"'e said he'd be behind the cafeteria, dumbass." Flaminio scolded.

"Ain't my fault he didn't tell me!" Ollie whined, dodging a hit from Flaminio.

If only to avoid those two, I just slipped out of the classroom. It was break, and that meant I could see one of my friends and her younger brother.

"Sup, nerd." Sammy waved to me. She was one of the few people who actually did music class anymore, since the program was basically ruined. In fact, she pretty much ran the music class. She even looked like a music teacher, with their slim caramel fingers and sharp goldish silver eyes. She never was one to care about their appearance, wearing just a simple black dress shirt and tan overalls, showing off their two prosthetic limbs too short for their body. She always had their blond hair trimmed short. In a way, she looked like a bird, especially when she's leading a performance.

"Hey, Sam." I came over and sat next to them. "Where's your brother?"

She sipped their iced coffee. "Norman's off with Pancho and Kellen. Said he won't take long." She pointed their drink at me. "Did ya hear about those new students? Norman said he's befriended the little brother of the new kid's family. Kid looks like a weasel."

"I don't doubt it, I've met three of them." I laughed a little. "They're really weird."

"Tell me about it. The weasel looking kid threatened to stab me and Fortnite dance over my body." She rolled their eyes. "As if he's got the nerve."

Didn't William say one of his brothers was a criminal? This weasel kid might be the criminal. But I'll have to ask Will later on.

The bell rang before either of us could speak. Time for the next class.

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