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Up until lunch, I haven't heard from any of the Trappe siblings. Of course they had to be there at lunch.

"What the hell are they doing in our spot?!" Sammy demanded, holding her tray of food and staring at the tree that we normally sit at. I could see Will, Ollie, and Flaminio there, along with three others and a young, weasel looking kid. Next to them was Norman.

I could recognize Norman's long, greasy jet black hair and dark skin anywhere. It helped that he wore a oily grey shirt and grease stained pants, but maybe not if I was trying to see him in the dark. 

"I don't know what happened." Norman shook his head. "I asked Matt if he wanted to eat with us and he brought a parade of them."

"We were waiting for you, Goldie." William smirked at me, making me feel... fluttery? I don't know, it was weird. "Have you met One and Two yet?"

"He don't know our numbers, Three!" One of them, this one with white hair, purple tips, and red and blue streaks yelled at him. Oddly enough, he wore pinstripe clothes.

"If you don't stop hitting him, Five..." Another one, this time with gold hair and a jaguar clip in his hair, grabbed his brother by the hair and yanked.

The last one, who I can only assume is Four, began angrily making hand signals at them.

"Use ya fucking inside hands!" Flaminio yelled.

"What the actual fuck?" I heard Sammy whisper. 

I came over and sat down on the grass. "So we got newcomers. Great."

Five smiled. "I'm Hugh, but my brothers call me Five. It's a birth order thing. That's Anubis, or Six." Anubis waved. "And over there is Aquilo, or Four."

Who the hell names their kid Anubis? "Nice to meet you, I'm-"

"We know all about ya, Goldie." Anubis cut me off. "Three told us everything."

"He did?" I nibbled on the tasteless chicken wing that we were given for lunch.

"The fuck are you eating a poor chicken for?" Will said, staring at my plate of food. 

Aquilo signed something that I didn't understand. 

"It's just chicken." Sammy sat next to me, across from her brother. "I don't see the big deal."

"Let me guess, you're vegan?" This guy just gave me more and more surprises.

"Of course! Animals are important, and shouldn't be killed!" He ate a forkful of his salad and continued. "Like what if you were just going to the fridge for food and it killed you and ate you?"

"Wouldn't be the first time." Weasel-Kid commented. 

"Goddammit, Matt, that was one time." Will snapped.

I was starting to get the feeling that something wasn't right here.

Centuries- SpringGold (Rewrite of another story)Where stories live. Discover now