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Henry's POV

"Come on, Hen, you'll be late!" My mother yelled from upstairs.

"I'm up, I promise!" I yelled back, getting out of my bed and grabbing some clothes out of my closet. 

"You have five minutes before class starts!" Mom yelled, reminding me that I still needed to get dressed and eat before running out the door. Well, at least school is only a two minute walk from my house.

So that's what I did for the first three minutes, scramble to get dressed and ran out the door, almost forgetting my backpack. I didn't even eat, I just walked to school.

The bell rang for first period by the time I got in the building. In my rush to get to class on time, I ran head first into some other guy.

"Watch it!" I snapped, picking myself up off the ground while the guy went unaffected.

"Not even a 'hello'?" Ew. His voice had a weird mix of a Southern twang and a French accent, neither of which sounded good on him.

"You were in my way." I adjusted my bag. "Why aren't you in class?"

He scoffed. "My first class is biology. I already know all that stuff." He rolled his striking silver eyes, an unusual color. "Besides, Two told me that it was just an introduction class."

Two? Okay, this guy is weird. "Yeah, well, you should be in class. You don't want a class cut on your record."

"Oh?" he raised an eyebrow. "Another offense I can put on my criminal record?"

"Wha- No!" This guy had a criminal record? With all his scratches, scars and bruises, I should have seen that coming.

He laughed. "No, my brother has the record. In all seriousness, I really don't care if it gets on my record."

"You should." I scolded, walking past him. For some reason, he followed me?

"Besides, I don't even know where the class is." He flashed a toothy grin at me. Did this guy get into fights a lot or does he just like getting beat up? "I'm William, by the way. William Trappe."

"What kind of a name is Trappe?" I mumbled, staring straight ahead. "I'm Henry Aurum."

"How sweet. Named after gold." Why did he insist on walking with me?

"Yeah, what's it to you?" He was really getting on my nerves.

"Gold is just one of my favorite earth minerals." He replied. "Aside from emeralds, of course." 

"So... you like gemstones?" This guy went from 'tough bad boy' to 'kid who knows too much about gems' and I did not like that.

William just nodded, putting his scarred hands in his pockets. A lot of his torn up outfit consisted of green colors, which was a bit strange. Even his shoulder length wavy hair was dark green, with some brown poking through. His skin was tanned, but even then it had a slight green tint to it. Maybe that was just the lighting.

"We're here." I gestured to the open classroom.

William shook his head. "I appreciate you leading me here, but I'll just skip. One promised he would take the notes for me, and I promised Five and Six I would meet them behind the cafeteria."

"So you are skipping then, huh." I just shake my head, going to the classroom door. "Well, until we meet again."

"And I have a feeling we will." Ok, that was a bit scary.

I just pushed down the chills and went into the classroom.

Centuries- SpringGold (Rewrite of another story)Where stories live. Discover now