Chapter 2 ~ Normal Not Normal Day

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It was starting out as a normal day in the NCIS office as Very Special Agent Anthony DiNozzo started smacking his computer monitor. 

"What is wrong with this thing?!" He yelled as he threw a pencil at the screen. "McGoo, you're the computer geek. Come fix this thing!" 

"I will, once you say the magic word, Tony," McGee said in a monotone voice, not even glancing in his direction. 

"Abracadabra!" Tony said waving his hands in the air. McGee just turned to face him.

"Seriously? Abracadabra?"

"Got you to look at me, didn't it?" Tony smirked. "Now fix this!" McGee let out a long sigh and got up. He walked over to the back of the monitor and jiggled a few wires. 

"Try it now." Tony grabbed his mouse and started moving it around the screen.

"Thanks, McGoo!" He said. McGee just waved his hand and sat down at his desk. "Hey, did you get this email?" Tony pointed to his email. 

"I haven't check yet, why?" McGee asked walking back over. 

"Apparently we've got a new agent coming in. Agent A. Jacobs." Tony sat back in his chair. "She's supposed to arrive sometime today."

"That's nice. Ziva will be happy that there will be another female on the team for you to harass." McGee spoke. Tony chucked an eraser at him.

"I don't 'harass' anyone, McGoo." He got up and walked over to stand in front of McGee's desk. "Besides, I have a gut feeling that this chick will be different." McGee rolled his eyes and continued on with his work. As he did, the elevator dinged, and out walked a girl with long black hair. 

"Whoa," Tony remarked as she walked over. 

"Hi, sorry to bug you, but, Do you know where the Director's office is?" She asked. Tony liked her style. Combat boots, black jeans with a black belt, a pink shirt underneath a blazer, and to tie off the whole ensemble, she was already carrying a gun in a holster on her right hip.

"No problem!" McGee said. "Up the stairs and follow the hallway to your right until you get to the second pair of double doors." 

"Thank you." She said nodded her head. She gave a curt nod to Tony and turned to walk up the stairs. As she walked up the stairs Tony kept watch on her. He kept wracking his brain for why she seemed so familiar. 


"Director? You've got an Aspen Jacobs here to see you." Vance's secretary spoke on the phone. "Yes, sir. I'll send her in right now." She hung up the phone and opened the door. Aspen nodded and muttered a thank you as she walked in. 

"Agent Jacobs. How wonderful to finally meet you." Director Vance said standing up and reaching his hand out. Aspen smiled widely and shook his hand firmly.

"How wonderful it is to meet you, sir. I've heard a lot about you from my boss back at the FBI office and Pasadena. He was actually offended you didn't offer him a spot at NCIS." She laughed. Vance smiled and shook his head. 

"Yep, he would be one to make that remark." He sat back down and grabbed a file from his left side. "Now, I personally reached out to you because of your arrest rate, and from a high recommendation by Agent Marcus Mohanson a few months back."

Aspen tensed up at the mention of her old boss, and lover. However, she forced a smile and nodded. 

"I was saddened to hear about his death, you see, I was planning on pulling the both of you from the FBI but, unfortunately, that wasn't meant to be." Aspen nodded as she felt a stray tear fall from her eyes. She quickly reached up and wiped it away not wanting to give off the energy she was weak or emotion-driven. Vance saw that and pushed forward a small box of tissues.

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