Chapter 5 ~ Meeting Abby

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Once they finished processing the crime scene they loaded up and headed back to the Naval yard. The ride back was mainly quiet, which Aspen took the chance to message Sam.

Aspen: Sam? You there?
Sam: Of course! Since you've left I haven't HAD a single case! I think letting you leave was a bad idea... 😩
Aspen: Oh quit whining, loser. How's Jakie?
Sam: Okay ... his restaurant got shot up last night. They lost their hostess and one of the waitresses...
Aspen: OMG! Is Jake okay?!
Sam: Just shook up. The hostess ... was his best friend/business partner ...
Aspen: Oh dear ... tell him I'm sorry okay? Maybe once I get some vacation time, I can come to visit you two.
Sam: Pen! You haven't even been working a full day yet, and you're already talking about vacation?
Aspen: It's been a rough few hours ...
Sam: Care to elaborate?
Aspen: I already insulted someone and ... they know about some of the stuff that happened at the office ...
Sam: So? You're not fired, are you?
Aspen: No ... but I could be, Sam!
Sam: Shut your mouth. Vance wouldn't have asked for you IF he was just going to fire you for one outburst. Now in all the love possible ... GET BACK TO WORK YOU LAZY BITCH!
Aspen: Facetime later?
Sam: Ofc! Now bye, Pen. Love ya!
Aspen: Ttyl Sam. Musch love to you and Jakie!💞

Aspen put her phone to sleep and slipped it into the side of her boot. As she did this, DiNozzo noticed and made a comment. 

"You keep your phone in your boot?" 

"Yeah. My fia- ex-boyfriend used to keep his there, and well I guess I picked it up from him." Aspen looked out of the window, hoping DiNozzo would move on ... but she didn't know DiNozzo yet to know he NEVER lets anything go.

"Ex-boyfriend?" He smirked. "So I take that means, you're single?" Once again he was screaming office flirt to Aspen and she rolled her eyes. 

"Yes, I am single. However, I am not interested in anyone of your persona." Ziva who was in the front seat let out a hearty laugh, while McGee tried to hide the fact he was holding back a laugh. Tony was just staring at Aspen with a look of approval.

"I like your sass, Miss Jacobs," Tony said extending his hand out. "Hopefully sooner or later we can see eye to eye."

"Yeah, I'm sure we could." Aspen took his hand and shook it. 


"McGee," Gibbs said as we rode the elevator up to the bullpen. 

"Yeah, Boss?" McGee replied looking up from his phone.

"Take Agent Jacobs down to Abby's lab, so Abby can welcome her to NCIS. Then take her down to Ducky's lab and get the autopsy report. I've got to go speak with Vance." Gibbs spoke sternly to him. McGee nodded and flashed a smile over at me.

"You'll just adore Abby," he said, the smile on his face growing. 

"Just be prepared to be hugged to death," Ziva said as the doors dinged open. We all walked out and the team placed their bags by their desks, while Aspen stood and waited for McGee to walk her down to "Abby's Lab" which she could only assume was the Forensics Lab.

Once he placed his bag down he came over and walked with me towards the elevator.

"You really had to go through all that at the FBI?" McGee asked as he punched in the number for Abby's Lab. Aspen nodded.

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