the king and I

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It had been foretold, the King must marry one of the women from his kingdom, a beautiful, noble woman who would become a Queen. I didn't stand a chance against these other women, I knew that. I'd always known really. It felt like a competition that I didn't want to be a part of. I was happy just to be a part of the Labyrinth, it was never anything more for me. The ladies of the land always spoke about how charming and handsome Jareth was, but I knew that it was all talk, they weren't good at conversation, just flirting and being on show for everyone else. I was walking in the gardens, it was a beautiful day and I needed fresh air, when I saw Jareth, he was walking around, just talking with one of his supervisors, who helped him run the kingdom from time to time. I felt his eyes on me, but I don't pay much attention. I look around, as I came to a spot to watch the sunset, I sit down on this marble bench, as I watch the sky as the sun fell down for the evening. I sighed deeply, as he approached me, sitting beside me. "This is one of my favourite spots, you know." He told me. I glance up, as I realise he was talking to me. "It is beautiful.." I had never really had the chance to speak to him without the other women around. "Breathtaking." I feel his eyes on me again, as I take a moment to compose myself. "And what is your name?" I look back, as his eyes bore into mine. "My name? Y/n." He smiled, "Perfect." He whispered, as he looked back out at the sky, I stayed silent. I was completely stunned.

"You're not like those other women, are you?" I lean back, as I take a breath. "What do you mean, not like those women?" I didn't throw myself at him, that was the difference. "You're just so kept to yourself. You don't seem as bold and forward." He watched me, as I smile a little. "I just don't see why I'd want to throw myself at a man when I can choose to do a more natural approach." I play with my fingers, as he smirked. "Exactly my point." I ran a hand through my hair, as I stand. "Thank you for your time, your Majesty." I turn and I walk away, going further into the fields as I liked to be alone sometimes, I didn't want to be that girl who chased after a man, that wasn't me. If it was right, I'd feel it. "Where are you going?" He called after me, I glance back at him, smiling, before I ran into the wilderness, feeling the grass beneath my feet as he just stared at me, like he was starstruck. As time went on, Jareth had spent more time trying to get closer to me, my opinion on him was changing, I liked being around him, to me, he wasn't just a King, I saw past that, I wanted his heart and nothing else, I was falling in love with his heart, himself as a person, not his title, I didn't care for it. I just wanted to be with him, as he was. As I went through the kingdom, I look out at the gardens, seeing him with this one woman, she was being overly pushy, trying to get close to him, a part of me was pissed that she was touching him. Maybe I was jealous.

"I'm in love with another." I heard him tell her, my heart beat sped up slightly, he was in love? Already? I look away, as I knew I wasn't so lucky. I couldn't be, even if my heart burst for him, I knew that I was just another number. I heard the sky grumble, as it began to pour with rain. It didn't rain a lot here, but when it did, it poured hard. The girl was crying, as it rained. "Ugh, my hair!" She complained, running inside, but Jareth didn't seem phased. He just laughed to himself, I jump down, as the rain fell down, he looked at me. "It's a bit crazy, isn't it?" He chuckled, "It happens now and again." I could see his abs through his shirt, as the rain stuck his shirt down, I look away as he seemed to notice. "Distracted?" He smirked, as I roll my eyes. "Not at all, your Highness." I look up at the sky, I could barely see as the rain fell down. "Come on, let's go and dry off." He grabbed my hand, as he led me back inside, he took me upstairs to what I assumed, was his bedroom. He gave me a towel, as I dry off my hair, I look around. "This is such a beautiful room, wow." I could hear the rain pour down, as I turn around, he was shirtless. "Damn." I mumbled, he seemed to pick that up. "Are you enjoying the view, darling?" He chuckled, as I felt him behind me. "Shut up." I laughed, as I dried my hair, I take off my shirt, along with my bra, wrapping the towel around myself, his eyes still on mine. "You don't have to hide from me, you're beautiful." He mumbled softly.

"Who said I'm hiding?" I glance back at him, as he pressed my body into the wall, I take a breath. "Well, take it off then." He removed the towel from me, as I felt him against my bare skin, it felt incredible. "Why are you doing this?" I asked, "I'm not denying you of what you want." He gently touched my hips, as his eyes trace my body. "You do realise I'm practically naked right now?" I wanted to touch him, but I wasn't so sure. "And you are absolutely divine." He whispered, as he leaned against my neck, I feel his lips against my shoulder. I close my eyes as I pull myself closer to him, the warmth of the fire on the fireplace against our bodies. "There's no time like the present." He told me, as I smile softly. "I couldn't agree more."

-five years on-
I sat in the darkness of my bedroom, staring at the window, tears running down my face as I thought back to the memory of being held by him. My king. The man I loved. But he was gone. And the memory was gone. He made me walk away, something I'd never forgive him for.

Maybe I'd never know if our love was reality.

He was gone. I had nothing left.

A tapping on the window suddenly made my head turn, as a familiar Barn Owl sat on the window frame, watching me. I froze.

He was back.

(Oooooooooo part 2 yall?🌙✨)

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