Chapter 13: Well, This Shall Be Interesting

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💫 Drops of Starlight 💫

By Strawberry Moon Rose
🍓🌙 🌹

Chapter 13: Well, This Shall Be Interesting

The train ride home had been permeated by a palpable awkwardness, yet it paled in comparison to the moment they crossed the threshold into Usagi's apartment.

"It's Chibi-Usa's bedtime soon," Usagi said to Haruka and Seiya, attempting to talk over Chibi-Usa's ear-piercing screams. "I'm going to get her ready for a bath. Feel free to help yourselves to dinner."

"Don't worry about us, Kitten." Stepping forward, Haruka lifted Usagi's earmuffs off, causing her golden locks to ruffle from the static electricity's caress. Haruka gently smoothed the disarrayed bangs with her fingertips. "You two go and enjoy a warm bath."

Seiya bristled at the casual gesture. Suppressing her physical discomfort, she inhaled a breath of air before depositing their shopping bags onto the table.

"Seiya, do you need help with anything?" Usagi turned to her.

"I'm fine. Should probably change my bandages soon, but I can manage."

"You sure? I'm supposed to help." Usagi's warm eyes, filled with concern, made her heart swell.

Haruka cut in with a casual dismissal. "I'm sure Seiya's got it under control." Her stance shifted as she crossed her arms.

Suppressing a growing sense of irritation, Seiya held back a frown. "I'll be back to my usual self in a few days. Don't worry about me, Bun Head."

Usagi smiled, then disappeared into the bathroom down the hall where the sound of drumming water muted Chibi-Usa's cries.

What had begun as a day brimming with the joy of Christmas gift exchanges had ended in an unforeseen hospital visit. Seiya decided right then and there that she would try her best to ignore Haruka's presence. It was only temporary, after all. Tomorrow evening would be somebody else's turn to stand guard. And once she was healed, it would just be her and Usagi again.

Setting the plastic bag from the hospital on the living room floor, Seiya carefully emptied its contents onto the coffee table, placing the ointment and gauze tape aside. She slipped her baggy t-shirt off over her head and began unwrapping the bandage encircling her midsection with care.

Haruka entered, tossing a green apple in the air, catching it, then tossing it again. Her eyes landed on Seiya, who was wearing only a bandeau bra from the waist up and her pants partially unzipped.

"Do you have to do that out here?" Taking a juicy bite of her apple, Haruka's scowl persisted, intensifying her judgmental scrutiny.

Seiya smirked, not bothering to look up. "Oh, my apologies if I'm turning you on."

"You've gotta be joking," Haruka scoffed. "But really, make yourself at home much? She could walk out here at any moment, you know."

An air of defiance resonated in Seiya's tone. "And? I'm not bothered." As she unwrapped the gauze, she noted a faint trace of blood, tinged with pus. Applying ointment to a fresh bandage, Seiya carefully pressed it onto the scrapes that spanned from under her ribs to just above her pubic bone.

"You haven't changed."

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"You still want her. It's obvious. Perhaps not to her, but to everyone else."

Seiya shrugged, her attention on securing the gauze in place and wrapping it around her waist, ensuring the end didn't slip from her grasp. The twinge of pain as she twisted sent a breath-catching signal, a clear realization of why Ami had suggested Usagi's help.

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