Chapter 27: The Cosmic Valley

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💫 Drops of Starlight 💫
By Strawberry Moon Rose
🍓🌙 🌹

Josephine Wall is one of my favorite artists, and the world I'm trying to describe is straight up any of her paintings. Before or after this chapter, please type her name into Google Images to see what I'm trying to refer to because words can't possibly do it justice.

Also, the article of clothing Seiya is wearing in this chapter is inspired by a beautiful SeiUsa drawing by veganimegirl.


Chapter 27: The Cosmic Valley

Later that night, after they had given Rei and Luna a lengthy recap of their encounter with Nephrite, Usagi stepped into a warm, soothing shower. Cleansed of the sweat and grime from the battle, she emerged refreshed and invigorated, ready to face the daunting task ahead. She slipped into her pajamas, her damp hair cascading down her back.

As she entered the bedroom, she found Seiya patiently waiting for her.

"You really want to do this now?" Usagi asked, tugging on her hair. She flipped it over her shoulder and adjusted the strap of her pajama top.

"Yes," Seiya said. "We can't say when the next attack will come, and I couldn't bear it if you got hurt."

" do we do this?"

"It'll be easier if I show you." Seiya motioned for Usagi to join her in the middle of the bed.

Skeptical but intrigued, Usagi climbed onto the mattress and settled on her knees across from Seiya. "Don't we need to transform to make my new tier?" she asked.

"No, not this way."

"Are you sure?"

Seiya smiled up under a raised eyebrow. "Bun Head, do you trust me?"

"Of course I do."

"Then take my hands."

Without hesitation, Usagi placed her hands into Seiya's open palms.

"Now what?" she whispered. It was quiet, making the sound of her heartbeat audible in her ears. When Usagi had gotten a glass of water from the kitchen a few minutes prior, Rei was already snoring on the couch - no doubt exhausted from her travels to Tokyo. They were the only ones up.

"First I need you to relax," Seiya teased. "I can feel you trembling."

"No, I'm not!"

"It's okay. You haven't done this before. I'll lead..."

She ignored Seiya's questionable word choice and closed her eyes. Usagi focused on taking slow, deliberate breaths. Her shoulders sank and her body settled into a comfortable position. Seiya's hands were warm, slightly rough, but gentle.

"Focus on clearing your mind. Ignore any distractions."

Usagi didn't mention that Seiya herself was enough of a distraction, but she did as she was told. It all felt a little silly, and doubts crept in about whether meditation could really unlock a new weapon. Was this some sort of weird Kinmokian ritual?

After a few minutes, Seiya continued, "Now, I need you to lower your defenses. Open your heart, your mind, and your body for me..."


"I'm serious! You're going to feel a portion of my energy, but it won't work if you don't let me into you."


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