Chapter 34: Chocolate Parfait

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💫 Drops of Starlight 💫
By Strawberry Moon Rose

Slightly longer chapter ahead :)

Chapter 34: Chocolate Parfait

"We're sorry, you have reached a number that has been disconnected or is no longer in service. If you feel this is in error, please check the number dialed and try again."

The next morning, Usagi replaced the phone receiver in its cradle with a sigh. She figured the number Naru's mom had given her was a bust, but she had to try.

Studying the crumpled scrap of paper with Nephrite's address, she couldn't help but feel a growing sense of unease. How reckless would it be to stop by before lunch at her family's house? Would Naru even be there? Usagi closed her eyes for a brief, silent prayer. Wherever she is, please let her be safe.

A comforting hand came down on her shoulder, pulling her from her thoughts. It was Seiya, who looked striking in her female-passing outfit for the day - a leather jacket over a white camisole and high-waisted jeans. A touch of makeup and hoop earrings completed her look. They had decided earlier that Seiya wouldn't conceal her gender since Usagi's mother already knew. This way, her dad couldn't give her a hard time for bringing a guy over for lunch too.

"The taxi will be here soon," Seiya said. Her focus slid to the paper in Usagi's grasp. "Don't want to be late."

Usagi dropped her hand. "You're right..."

Minako and Yaten were still asleep, despite the clock nearing eleven. As for Taiki, she had only made an appearance to fetch another cup of coffee. The bags under her eyes told the story of a night as restless as Seiya's.

"Any luck?" Seiya asked her, hoping for some progress. If anyone was going to get to the bottom of why monsters with Kinmokian roots were popping up on Earth, it would be Taiki.

Taiki shook her head. She started back for the study but hesitated at the threshold. "Just so you know," she said, "I contacted Lover and informed the Princess."


"That's all. Nothing out of the ordinary back home." Taiki lowered her voice. "The Princess is worried, Seiya, especially after that nightmare Usagi had. Whatever is happening doesn't seem to be incidental."

"I know," Seiya said with a frown.

"I don't think it's wise for you to be going out today. You should be taking it easy."

"My injuries are healed. We'll be careful."


Seiya tucked her house key into her pocket and turned away. "See you this afternoon," she told her comrade.

Luna had insisted on tagging along for the day's adventure to the Tsukino's. She was hidden in the diaper bag, sandwiched between burp cloths and a package of wipes for the duration of the commute across the city. It was a quiet ride. Usagi couldn't tell where Seiya's thoughts were - dwelling on the events of last night or the uncertainty of the day ahead.

The taxi came to a halt in front of the two-story house with its distinctive orange shingles and cream-colored exterior. Usagi stepped out of the cab and stood before her childhood home. A sense of nostalgia curled over her like a tidal wave.

Usagi's eyes flickered to her old bedroom balcony, and she remembered the late-night conversations she used to share with Seiya. She had never confessed to anyone how it made her feel like Juliet, with Romeo tossing pebbles at her window from below.

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