Chapter 30: Soul Vacation

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💫Drops of Starlight💫
By Strawberry Moon Rose

Next week's chapter will be posted one day early, on Sunday instead of our usual Monday update.

Chapter 30: Soul Vacation

Usagi's hands moved quickly, the pen struggling to keep up with her thoughts as she scribbled a list onto the back of an old grocery receipt she discovered buried at the bottom of Chibi-Usa's diaper bag. The ink was running low, making her childish handwriting appear even more illegible. She racked her brain for what items were essential for Taiki and Rei to take from her apartment, a difficult decision considering the limited space. Usagi knew they couldn't carry everything by hand, and disposable items like diapers could easily be replaced.

Once she finished, Rei snatched the list and boarded the next bus, leaving them coughing in a cloud of exhaust fumes as it peeled away.

The snowfall had ceased, and the frozen sidewalks were thawing as Usagi and Seiya walked toward the nearest train station. Luna trotted along beside their ankles. Although Seiya remained quiet, her grip on Usagi's hand was firm as they were tossed about on the train.

Half an hour later, they stood before a towering building, a place of nostalgia for Seiya but unfamiliar for Usagi. More importantly, no paparazzi were lurking in the shrubs out front.

They entered and were greeted by a grand chandelier hanging from a high, ornate ceiling, casting a soft glow throughout the space. The floor's jade tiles gleamed underfoot.  A concierge desk stood elegantly against one wall, with polished wood and marble accents. Behind it, a man bowed at their arrival.  
Usagi eyed the tasteful artwork adorning the walls.  As Seiya led them toward the elevator, they passed a cascading indoor waterfall fountain, its gentle sounds mingling with soft classical music playing in the background.  Seiya keyed in a lengthy password and the elevator obediently opened. Butterflies tickled in Usagi's stomach as they ascended to the very top floor. Another password unlocked a final door.

Seiya hadn't exaggerated when she mentioned the spaciousness of the Three Lights' penthouse suite. An entire wall was composed of glass, allowing ample amounts of natural sunlight to flood the immaculate space. The sparkling hardwood floors and lush tropical houseplants seemed to welcome them as the furnace hummed to life. 

Seiya pressed a button on a remote, igniting a fireplace beneath the TV. The open floor plan revealed a staircase on the left, leading to an exposed hallway and a railing above. Usagi noticed several doors leading to bedrooms, presumably the ones Seiya, Yaten, and Taiki had occupied during their previous stay on Earth.

Luna curiously sniffed at a jacket draped on the coat rack. She recognized Yaten's scent and rubbed against it while purring.

"This is it," Seiya announced.

"Wow..." Usagi moved across the room, drawn to the expansive glass wall that framed a breathtaking view of the city. Was this really a house? She could easily mistake the place for a luxury hotel. She imagined how glittering the cityscape would appear at night.

"I feel like I should be sitting in that chair, writing a song," Seiya mused, nodding toward a vintage red armchair by the window. "Or on the phone with our manager, discussing concert dates. So many memories..."

"Thanks for letting us stay here." Usagi used her sleeve to wipe away the fingerprints Chibi-Usa was leaving on the glass.

"It's the least I could do. After all, it's because of me that we had to relocate. I'm sorry about that, by the way."

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