[5] war of hearts

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"You can stay with Banner," Tony reminded Beatrix. They were currently in the Quinjet on their way to where the man with the branding mark was suspected to be. "We can manage without you."

"Like I'm going to give you more opportunities to fuck this up," she replied, shaking her head.

"Already tried to talk her out of it," Steve informed Tony, "She's stubborn."

"You guys were all so adamant before about me getting out into the field," she reminded the group. "Why the sudden change of heart?"

"This is a bit extreme for a first mission back in the field," Natasha informed her.

"I can handle it," she replied. "I've gone through worse."

"Yeah, six years ago," Tony countered.

"And six years ago, I was alone," she pointed out. "I'll be fine."

"The second you-"

"Yes, I know," she nodded, "I'll get back to the Quinjet."

The ship started the descent and as the building came into view, Beatrix pulled up the schematics. She downloaded the information and stood up along with the rest of the group.

"You ready?" Steve asked.

She nodded, "Always am."

"Ahh, Junior," Tony greeted in his Iron Man suit. Thor and Steve entered behind him, followed by Beatrix. "You're gonna break your old man's heart."

Ultron observed them for a moment, "If I have to."

"We don't have to break anything," Thor pointed out.

"Clearly you've never made an omelet."

"He beat me by one second," Tony huffed.

"Ah, this is funny, Mr. Stark," Pietro announced. "It's what, comfortable? Like old times?"

Tony addressed him, "This was never my life."

Steve glanced at Beatrix who had a small frown on her face before addressing the twins. "You two can still walk away from this."

Wanda smiled, "Oh, we will."

"I know you've suffered."

"Ugh!" Ultron groaned. "Captain America. God's righteous man, pretending you could live without a war. I can't physically throw up in my mouth, but..."

"If you believe in peace, then let us keep it," Thor suggested.

"I think you're confusing peace with quiet."

"Yuh-huh," Tony agreed passively. "What's the Vibranium for?"

"I'm glad you asked that, because I wanted to take this time to explain my evil plan!" Ultron shouted rather dramatically. With minimal warning, the Iron Legions began to attack.

For a brief moment, Pietro's eyes locked with Beatrix and his lip quirked upward. He addressed his sister, "I want her."

Before Beatrix could fully wrap her mind around the situation, Pietro had sped toward her, gotten a hold of her and sped her from the room. She gasped as he pinned her up against the wall.

She scanned his face for a moment, "What are you doing?"

"Beatrix, where are you?" Steve spoke through the intercom. Pietro placed his finger to his lips, a faint smirk resting on his face.

"I can handle Speedy," she replied. "Get what we came here for. Don't worry about me." She disconnected from the comm.

"Speedy?" he inquired. "It's Quicksilver."

She shrugged, "I like Speedy more."

His lip quirked upward again, something she noted that he did often. She didn't hate it. She shook her head, now was not the time for this. There probably was never a time for it but if there was it was definitely not now.

"You don't have to be a part of this fight," Beatrix informed him. "We have no issues with you and I don't want to hurt you. I won't hurt you. Take your sister and go. Get away from all of this."

The sound of fighting could be heard and Pietro glanced over at where they had left everyone behind. "It's disappointing, really," he sighed and she raised an eyebrow. "I like you."

"What does-" she began but he had knocked her on the back of her head before she could finish.

He crouched down beside her and brushed her hair behind her ear, "My apologies." And then he sped off to rejoin the fight.

When Beatrix came back to consciousness, her head was throbbing. She hadn't even fought anyone, she basically led herself into a trap. Screw Pietro and his stupid, beautiful face.

She forced herself off the ground and stood up carefully. She listened but heard no fighting so where the Avengers were was beyond her. Pulling up the blueprint of the building, she pinpointed where she was and made her way out.

Beatrix rubbed the back of her head as she made her way back to the Quinjet. Bruce was supposed to be there but upon arriving, she saw that he was gone. She stitched herself into the comm line and waited for someone to speak.

"Stark?" she tried. "Captain?" she tried but no response came through. She huffed, "Nat? Thor? Clint? Anybody?"

"They're all a little preoccupied," Pietro announced and she turned to come face to face with the twins. They stood a distance away and he tilted his head to the side, "What do we do with you?"

Wanda appeared slightly out of it but clearly remembered that Beatrix was immune to her powers and didn't bother to try.

"What is it about you?" Pietro inquired as he stepped toward Beatrix.

"I have a way with people," she shrugged and his lip quirked upward again. No, she scolded herself. He's the enemy. You've given him ample opportunities to change but he has no interest and- Oh, who was she kidding. Him being on the opposite side did not stop him from being so damn attractive.

The comm link crackled and Tony spoke up, "Natasha, I could really use a lullaby."

"Well, that's not gonna happen," Clint informed Tony. "Not for a while. The whole team is down, you got no back up here."

"Where's Bea?" he asked.

Beatrix raised her hands toward the twins as she spoke, hoping they wouldn't act, "I'm fine but I can't help you."

There was a pause, "Where are you?"

"Do me a favor and don't come looking for me?" she requested her gaze flickering up to the twins who were watching her. "I'm fine." And then she disconnected from the link.

Beatrix dropped her hands and addressed the pair, "Where to now?"

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