[21] don't stop me now

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"They got arrested?" Pietro gaped. "How did they manage that?"

"By breaking the law," Clint said pointedly.

"We can come back for them," he suggested. "At least we know that they aren't going to get hurt if we leave them. She needs us more."

"What good is it going to do Beatrix if we show up and get ourselves killed?" he inquired. "Because it seems counterproductive if you ask me."

"Nobody asked you."

"Pietro," Wanda spoke up, placing her hand on his arm, "He's right. We should get the others."

He closed his eyes and shook his head, resting his hands on his hips. He looked up after a moment, "Fine, alright. In and out."

Clint snorted, "Easy for you to say, Speedy." Pietro glared at him and he raised an eyebrow before nodding his head in the direction of the building, "Let's get this over with."

Beatrix had one thing and one thing only on her mind as she made her way through the building and that was Bucky. Or the Winter Soldier, as she was told. That's why she was here. To get him back and take him home. From her understanding it was to be a trade off of sorts, someone would be sending him her way and she was to retrieve him. And if anyone were to even think about stopping them from leaving, she was to terminate them on sight.

She was about to make her way up the stairs when she heard a noise from up above. She looked up to find two men fighting. Upon scanning them both, only one of them was unrecognizable. But the other was exactly who she was looking for.

Bucky and T'Challa tumbled down the stairs, landing at Beatrix's feet. She cocked her head to the side for a moment, scanning over the pair. Her cyborg counterparts zoomed on each of their faces, recognizing one as the soldier she was to return to her master.

She grabbed the man dressed in the odd cat suit and threw him at the wall across from her. He hit it and slumped down, a dent in the wall where he had landed. She looked down at the man with the metal arm and pulled him to his feet. His eyes narrowed on her but she smirked in response. She stood on the balls of her feet and placed her hand on his shoulder before whispering, "Hail HYDRA."

This seemed to be enough for him as they both turned toward the man who was regaining his strength and getting up. They both sauntered forward. The man moved to attack Bucky but Beatrix stuck her arm out quickly, gripping his inner elbow tightly. She squeezed and he fell to his knees. She applied more pressure and his eyes fluttered closed before he fell to the ground.

Beatrix stood up straight, turning slightly to face Bucky. He nodded his head to the railing and she shrugged. They both ran toward it, launching themselves over the edge and landing on the floor rather swiftly.

The pair made their way up to the roof where the helipad was. Bucky made his way to the blue chopper and yanked the lock off before getting into the pilot seat. As soon as Beatrix got in the co-pilot seat, the chopper started upwards.

The chopper shook as Steve latched onto the landing gear. Beatrix leaned over and shot her laser eyes at his hands but he merely readjusted. Steve pulled down and the chopper struggled to remain flying.

Steve managed to yank the chopper down. Bucky moved it so that it rammed into the edge of the helipad. Beatrix swiftly hopped out of the chopper and moved to go after Steve when Bucky smashed the glass with his fist and gripped the man's throat. Before she could do anything, the chopper went over the edge and plummeted down to the water, Bucky and Steve going down with it.

She walked to the edge and looked down, watching as the chopper landed in the water with a rather large splash. Her head tilted slightly and she waited. Her mission was Bucky. If he didn't emerge in a minute she would go after him. She was not to return without Bucky.

Beatrix hopped up onto the edge and looked around. Five seconds. If he didn't emerge in five seconds, she would go after him. She moved to jump when there was a faint woosh behind her. Arms wrapped around her waist and she struggled against their grasp but whoever it was was too fast.

She hit a hard surface and her head spun for a moment. As her vision came back into focus, she could just make out the man in front of her. His long blonde hair covered part of his forehead, his blue eyes scanning her face quickly.

The familiarity took her by surprise as he seemed at a loss of words before he managed, "Beatrix."

"Who's Beatrix?" she replied before reaching her hand up. She grabbed the back of his head and rammed her forehead into his, causing him to release her. She moved to go around him but he was quick to speed in front of her.


She grew confused at this when a moment later she felt something wrap around her wrist. A shock went through her and her teeth gritted together instinctively. She grabbed the string and moved to pull it off when another latched on to her.

She grunted in response before yanking her arm up. She looked over to see that there was an arrow being used as an anchor and holding her down. She tugged hard and the arrow came out along with a chunk of cement. Perks of being a super soldier, apparently. She teleported away from the man who had pulled from the edge and back to where she could look over the water.

Emerging a distance away was Steve with someone in his arms. Bucky. The Winter Soldier. Her mission. Just as she was about to teleport again, she felt a sharp pain in her neck. She reached up and pulled the arrow out. She turned around to see that the man who stopped her had been joined by two others.

The women held a glowing red orb out in front of her while the other man had an arrow drawn in a bow and pointed right at her. She made an attempt at teleporting but it didn't work. She grunted before trying again but no avail, she remained in place.

Beatrix started toward the three, her anger taking over and her mind focused away from her mission. The fast man became a blur as he moved out of the way and she followed him with her eyes. She was distracted by him and the man with the bow shot another arrow at her, this time forming a cuff around her wrist. He shot another at her other wrist and her hands flew together, magnetically connected.

She tried to pull them apart but even with her new super strength, she was rendered incapable. She looked down at them and aimed her laser eyes at them but it was no use. He shot one more arrow at her and the world around her went black.

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