[7] gravity

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Pietro placed Beatrix down as he arrived at the spot where he had left his sister. "I'm missing something," Beatrix concluded. She looked between the twins and they wore identical, unreadable expressions. It was hard to believe they were twins due to how different they looked but she could see it in moments like these. "Why the change of heart?"

"I saw his new body," Wanda explained, worry, fear and anger clear in her expression. It took Beatrix a moment to connect the dots and realize his meant Ultron. That would explain why he needed the doctor's technology. "He's going to destroy the whole world."

Beatrix was tempted to say 'I told you so' but decided against it. "I have to help them," she explained. She looked between them warily. Was she still their 'prisoner' if they were no longer working for Ultron? "I have to go," she stated simply. She was technically never their prisoner to begin with. "Will you two manage?"

"Wait," Wanda interrupted and Beatrix raised an eyebrow. "We're coming with you."

She was surprised by this, "You are?"

"This is our fault."

Beatrix shook her head, "It's not your fault."

"How do we get to them?" Pietro asked, clearly not willing to have this conversation.

"I can find them," Beatrix informed them as she closed her eyes. She opened them after a moment and glanced over at Pietro, "Think you can actually listen to me?"

His lip quirked upward, "I'll manage this one time."

Wanda watched the two with furrowed eyebrows as Beatrix explained the directions on how to get to where the Avengers were. He nodded, confirming that he understood. "I'll see you there then," she informed them before she disappeared.

"You and Beatrix-" Wanda began but Pietro cut her off, picking her up.

"Not now, sister," he replied and Wanda huffed. "We've got people to save."

Beatrix landed on top of a bus and shook her head slightly. She looked down as something sharp stabbed through the roof. She just barely moved out of the way. "At least I know I got the right place," she muttered to herself.

She closed her eyes before she teleported inside the train. "Hey, Cap," Beatrix greeted before she shot her laser eyes at Ultron.

He glanced over at her but did a double take, "Bea?"

She rolled her eyes, a smile making its way onto her face, "Nice to see you too."

Pietro and Wanda appeared a moment later, easily overpowering Ultron. His eyes appeared to widen despite being a robot. "Please," he begged, looking between the Maximoff twins. "Don't do this."

"What choice do we have?" she asked. She waved her hands in front of her, forming a red orb. She used her telekinesis to send objects at Ultron while Pietro attacked him rapidly.

Ultron clearly concluded that it was a lost cause and flew off. Steve turned on his intercom, "I lost him! He's headed your way."

"If you have the package, get it to Stark!" Steve shouted and Beatrix took the opportunity to stitch into their comm. "Go!"

"Do you have eyes on Nat?" Clinton asked, anxiety clear in his tone.

"Go!" Steve shouted. Barton took off in the Quinjet. Steve turned to Pietro, "Civilians in our path." He vanished with no argument and Steve turned to Wanda, "Can you stop this thing?"

Beatrix crossed the train to the clearly freaked out civilians still on board and addressed them, "It's going to be okay."

The train was moving at rapid pace and Beatrix sucked in a breath. If they kept going at this speed, it would definitely not be okay. She approached Steve who was watching Pietro clear the path.

Up ahead was a wall and Beatrix's eyes widened. She quickly formed one of her shields and held it out in front of her. Upon impact, she felt as though every nerve in her body was on fire as it broke through the brick wall. She almost fell backward but Steve was fast enough to stop her.

"You okay?" he asked and she nodded, standing up straight again. She shook her head slightly, tapping her wrists together and vanishing the shields.

Eventually, and not soon enough, the train came to a screeching stop. All of the civilians flooded off quickly, grateful to be out of the death trap.

"I'm fine," Pietro informed his sister. Steve and Beatrix approached the twins, "I just need to take a minute."

"I'm very tempted not to give you one," Steve informed them. Beatrix whacked him on the arm and he rolled his eyes.

"The Cradle, did you get it?" Wanda asked, ignoring Steve's comment. Beatrix had come to realize that she was the type of person to beat around the bush.

Steve nodded, "Stark will take care of it."

Her face dropped, "No, he won't."

"You don't know what you're talking about, Stark's not crazy," he explained.

"He will do anything to make things right," Wanda informed him and something flickered in his expression.

"Stark, come in," Steve tried through the intercom. "Stark. Anyone on comms?"

Beatrix's eyes caught Pietro's and he gave her a knowing look as his sister spoke up, "Ultron can't tell the difference between saving the world and destroying it. Where do you think he gets that?"

Steve turned to Beatrix, "Try headquarters."

She nodded before she stitched in. "Stark..." Beatrix's voice crackled through the intercom. "Stark, come in."

"Beatrix," he replied, "Where are you?"

"You have the Cradle?" Silence. "Stark, don't ignore me." Still silent. She glanced over at the twins and Steve who were watching her. She stepped away, "Tell me you aren't doing what I think you're doing."

"That depends on what you think I'm doing."

"Damn it, Tony!" she exclaimed. She lowered her voice, "You've lost your mind."

"I'm doing what I need to do to make things right."

"No," she replied, "You're doing what you think you need to do. Ultron is the result of that same line of thinking. You-" Static. "Stark!"

Rapid Love | P. MAXIMOFFWhere stories live. Discover now