[13] on top of the world

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Beatrix navigated her way through the new Avengers facility. They had been moved in for about a month now and even though she had the schematics downloaded, it was still an adjustment.

They had started training in a manner of speaking. Beatrix had been working with Natasha on her hand to hand combat. If there was ever a situation in which she was unable to use her powers or cyborg skills, she needed a means to protect herself.

When she wasn't with Natasha, she was normally training with Wanda or Pietro. Or both. They found that they all worked quite well together and the practice runs that the training room had were a breeze.

"Nat!" Beatrix shouted upon seeing her up ahead. Natasha turned around to face her and waited for her to approach. Beatrix frowned slightly as she spoke, "Any news on Banner?"

She smiled sadly, shaking her head, "Not yet, I'm afraid."

Beatrix gave her a sympathetic look, "I'm sorry."

She shook her head, "He'll be fine."

"That's not what I'm sorry about."

She sucked in a breath, "Maybe I'm just not finished yet." She glanced behind herself for a moment before looking back at Beatrix, "We're meeting in fifteen."

Beatrix nodded, "Got it."

She made her way through the facility and stopped outside a room. She raised her hand and knocked before waiting. The door opened and Pietro grinned upon seeing her standing there, "Missed me already?"

Beatrix rolled her eyes, "We have to head to the meeting." He reached forward and grabbed her arm, pulling her into his room and shutting the door behind her. "We have to be there in ten minutes."

He shrugged, "That's plenty of time."

He leaned down and pressed his lips against hers. She moved her hands so they wrapped around his neck. He super sped them across the room, and pushed her up against the wall.

"Speedy," Beatrix muttered and Pietro groaned.

"Could you not call me that?" he requested as he kissed along her jaw. "It's kind of a turn off."

She grinned as she tugged slightly on his hair, "That's kind of the point."

"Hmm," he replied as he moved to kiss her again. Beatrix placed her hands on his chest and he whined, causing her to grin, "We have time."

"We have..." she trailed off, "Eight minutes. It's a three minute walk to where we're meeting."

"We both have the ability to make it so we don't have to walk," he reminded her as he placed a kiss on the corner of her lips. "That gives us extra time."

"Five minutes," she murmured as he kissed down her collar bone. "Speedy."

He groaned as he pulled away, "I'm fast."

"I'm not sure that's something to brag about."

He rolled his eyes before he leaned in and placed a kiss on her nose, "Fine."

She smiled at him, "I'll race you."

"Oh, that's not-" he began but she vanished.

Beatrix stopped outside the door and leaned against the wall. Pietro skidded to a stop in front of her a second later. "That was not fair, Princessa."

"I think it was perfectly fair," she countered with a shrug. "I gave you a head's up."

He narrowed his eyes, "That was hardly a head's up."

"Hmm," she replied. "Whatever makes you feel better."

"It's not about me feeling better," he pointed out as she opened the door.

"Sorry I bruised your ego there, Speedy."

He narrowed his eyes slightly, "Remind me why I like you again."

She smiled slightly, "You want just one?" He rolled his eyes before nodding ahead and gesturing for her to walk inside.

Pietro and Beatrix entered the room to find that the others were already there. Rhodes stood off to the side while Vision and Wanda discussed something in hushed tones. Sam flew in in his Falcon gear after the pair arrived.

"See, we could have stayed behind for at least another minute," he informed her, his hand grazing the small of her back. His breath tickled her neck as he spoke, "We would have missed nothing and-"

"Shut up," she muttered as the door above opened to reveal Steve and Natasha. She turned to face them, ignoring the man who stood behind her, clearly trying to regain her attention.

"Always one for a dramatic entrance, aren't you Cap?" Beatrix inquired.

Steve's eyes landed on her and he smiled slightly. He looked the group over, "Avengers assemble."

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