[24] pancakes for dinner

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"You can stop your little mission 'rescue the incarcerated superheroes,'" Tony announced. Pietro and Beatrix had woken up early the next day to search for everyone. The pair looked over to find him leaning against the door frame. He held up a letter, "Steve beat you to it."

"He broke them out?" Beatrix asked as she spun around in the chair to face him fully. "Where are they?"

"That, I don't know," he answered. "Probably in the same boat as you seeing as they are all still wanted by the government."

"Will they come back here?"


"Would you let them come back here?" Pietro asked.

"Guess we'll never know."

Tony left without another word and Beatrix turned back toward the computer. "Well that was easy," she sighed and Pietro turned to look at her. He said nothing but she could feel his sight on her. She looked up at him, "What?

"What now?" he inquired.

Her eyebrows furrowed in thought, her metal fingers drumming along the edge of the table. When Hydra had taken her, they had removed the technology that made her arm look more human. Upon her return, Tony had offered to make a new one but she declined. Mostly out of spite.

After finding out that Steve broke all of Team Captain America out of jail and they were all free, Beatrix and Pietro decided to fly under the radar for a while. They remained at the Avenger's Headquarters but avoided any mission's.

Beatrix was technically still wanted by the state due to the whole short lived assistance in breaking Bucky out but Tony decided against saying anything to the government and let the pair stay there.

The pair were still trying to decide what to do with themselves given their limited options. It was possible that if Pietro revealed himself again and reminded the world that he was out there, they would come for him. And if Beatrix did anything, they would come for her.

They both laid in her bed, staring at the ceiling. When they weren't training or checking in on the 'missing' Avengers, this is where they were.

"Pietro?" Beatrix spoke up after a moment.

He looked over at her, "Yes, Princessa?"

"I know we're supposed to be heroes or whatever," she huffed. She sat up slightly as she tried to figure out the best way to explain what she wanted, "But until the final go - because Tony was right, there is something bigger coming - do we need to be here?"

"What?" he asked, clearly not understanding. He sat up as well.

"Think of it as a temporary retirement," she explained. "I mean, you don't have to come with me, it's not like I can make you but I definitely want you to come with me. If that's what you want."

"Come where, exactly?"

"I don't know. Anywhere?" she replied, the statement coming out more as a question. "It doesn't matter, I just need to go away for awhile. Your sister is safe but I understand if you want to go after her. Granted, she can come with us too. Unless she has other plans."

He raised an eyebrow, "Are you asking me to run away with you?"

"No - well, yes," she corrected quickly. She groaned and he seemed to find this amusing. "Maybe?"

He fought down a smile, "I wouldn't want to run away with everyone else." He reached forward and moved her closer to him by her waist, "Wherever you go, I will follow."

She smiled at this, "Then it's settled then." She looked up at him, "We are officially - temporarily - retired Avengers."

"I think we have to talk to Mr. Stark before we make it official."

"You can call him Tony, you know."

He grimaced, "I'll pass."

She laughed, "I can talk to him." She hopped up off the bed, "I will be back in-" she looked down at her wrist and shrugged, "-who knows." He rolled her eyes and she smiled before walking out.

"Hey, Tony," she greeted as she entered his office.

He looked up at her, "You're leaving, aren't you?"

"That obvious?" she inquired as she took a seat across from him.

"I don't know that it was obvious but it was inevitable," he replied, folding his hands in front of him. "Where are you going?"

"Telling you that would kind of defeat the purpose of us leaving," she informed him. "But we'll be here when you need us. I promise."

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