[19] hush hush baby

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"Mission is over my ass," Pietro announced as he skidded to a stop in front of the room Tony sat in. He walked into the room, "Mission is not over."

Tony huffed as he looked up from whatever it was he has been doing, "Glad to see you can follow orders."

"Where is my sister?" he demanded. "Where is Captain?" He needed to find Beatrix and they were the only ones who could help him. Tony Stark was of no use to him.

"Everything is being taken care of," he waved off.

"Is it?" he demanded. "Because from where I'm looking, Beatrix is still out there somewhere and you are sitting around on your ass doing nothing to fix that."

He placed down the file he was reading and adjusted his glasses. He folded his hands in front of him calmly, this action only irritating Pietro more.

"Wanda is with Vision," he explained simply. "At Headquarters."

Pietro left without another word, sending the papers on his desk fluttering to the floor.

He entered the Headquarters immediately, shouting for his sister. "Wanda!" he yelled. "Wanda! Where are you?"

"Pietro?" she replied, confusion clear in her tone. "Pietro, what are you doing here?" He zoomed through the building until he finally stumbled upon her in a room with Vision. She had her arms crossed over her chest, an irritated expression clear on her face. "You shouldn't have come here."

"I need your help," he explained as he approached her. "It's Beatrix. Beckers has her."

"I can't help you."

"Please, Wanda," he pleaded. "This is Bea, we're talking about."

"I can't help you," she repeated, shaking her head.

"And I'm afraid I can't let you leave either," Vision announced and Pietro's head snapped in his direction. "It's a matter of safety."

"Is this about the stupid papers?" he asked. "I don't care about the Accords!" he exclaimed. "I'll sign the damn documents as soon as I know Beatrix is safe."

Pietro moved to leave but Vision stepped in front of him, "I can't let you go."

"Why the hell not?" he demanded. "I don't care about the Accords, I was clear about that much. I care about Beatrix who is who knows where and nobody knows what's happening to her!"

Vision opened his mouth to say something when the T.V. in the room suddenly turned on. The three of them spun around to find two men standing behind a chair and in the chair was someone with a black sack over their head.

"No," Pietro muttered as he realized the only person it could have been. He knew she had been taken but knowing and knowing were two very different things.

Wanda's eyes went wide as the sack was removed and even Vision faltered. They either hadn't believed him or they hadn't actually been listening.

"We want the Maximoff's," one of the men announced. Their head was out of frame but something told Pietro it was Beckers. "Otherwise you won't be seeing this one ever again." He grabbed her by her hair and yanked her head back. Pietro felt as though he might throw up as the man added, "You have twenty four hours." And then the screen went black.

Pietro immediately sped toward the door but Vision managed to stop him. "Where are you going?"

He shot the man an incredulous look, "Where do you think?"

"I can't let you leave," he frowned apologetically. "I'm sorry."

"Let me go!" Pietro demanded. "I already told you, I don't care what you guys are up to because I actually know how to sort out my priorities!"

He watched him for a moment before letting out a sigh. "Stay here, please," Vision requested before he left the room.

"He can't be serious," Pietro gaped. "I'm leaving."

"Wait a minute, Pietro," Wanda requested before she sent a knife across the room, only stopping it when it was an inch or so in front of Clint's head.

"Guess I shoulda knocked," he concluded.

"Oh my god!" she exclaimed. "What are you doing here?"

"Disappointing my kids," he replied before shooting arrows to both sides of the room. "I'm supposed to go water-skiing. Cap needs our help. Come on."

"Clint!" Vision shouted. "You should not be here."

"Really?" he huffed, turning around. "I retire for, what, like five minutes, and it all goes to shit."

"Please consider the consequences of your actions."

"Okay, they're considered," he announced after a short pause. "Okay, we gotta go." Vision is trapped in a forcefield between two arrows, "It's this way."

"I've caused enough problems."

"You gotta help me, Wanda," he requested with a frown. "Look, you wanna mope, can go to high school. You wanna make amends, you get off your ass."

Vision broke through the force field and punched Clint sending him to the ground. Clint recovered quickly, grumbling, "I knew I should've stretched."

Clint pulled out a baton of sorts and attempted to hit Vision only to have them go straight through him. He tried to punch him but failed, going back to the baton. The baton snapped in half and Clint tried to kick Vision but it went straight through him. Vision pulled Clint into a headlock.

"What the hell is wrong with you!" Pietro snapped. "What happened to the whole we're a team, we have each other's backs or was that just bullshit?"

Vision mumbled something incoherent before addressing Clint, "Clint, you can't overpower me."

"I know I can't," he replied. "But she can."

"Vision, that's enough," Wanda stated. "Let him go. I'm leaving."

"I can't let you."

Wanda held her hands up as they glowed. Clint fell from Vision's grasp and she apologized, "I'm sorry."

Vision faltered, "If you do this...they will never stop being afraid of you."

"I can't control their fear, only my own," she informed him. She walked closer and she sent him through the floor and down several levels. Wanda and Clint looked down the hole.

"Oh...come on," he stated. "We got one more stop."

The three made their way out of the room and Pietro went in the opposite direction of his sister and Clint. "Yo, Speedy!" Clint called after him.

He turned around swiftly, "Don't call me that."

"Alright," he put his hands up in surrender before pointing behind them. "We're going this way."

"You're going that way," he corrected. "I'm going after Beatrix."

"Beatrix?" he asked in confusion. "I thought she was in Belgium. Hell, I thought both of you were in Belgium. That's what Cap said."

"I was there but she still is and not by choice," he answered. "And I don't have time to sit here and talk you through it, old man. I need to go find her."

He started to walk away but Clint stopped him, "You can't do that by yourself."

"It's not as though I've been given much of a choice with all of you fighting each other instead of the real bad guys."

Wanda looked up at Clint for a moment before stepping forward, "We'll help you."

Clint opened his mouth to protest but stopped himself. It was Beatrix, after all. "Alright, let's get this over with Wonder Twins."

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