"Thank you, Thank You!", The small, turquoise haired girl spoke, "Its really been a pleasure having ya here tonight folks~" Her tone became more suave as squeals went through groups of fanboys and fangirls, who weren't already squealing because of the suit she was in, "Anywho, I've gotta bounce. Love ya!" With that, she snapped her fingers and melted into a dark, inky black puddle. It zipped off the stage and went into a door with a star on it that read "Kai Drew"
After changing into a T-shirt and workout shorts, topped with her big bro's hoodie, the girl-Kai-was sitting on her portable vanity, doing something you normally wouldn't do at a vanity She was doodling in her Infinity Sketchbook ™.
Bzzt! Infinity Sketchbook
Thing-a-majig: Invention
How does it work?: Whenever it senses it has too many filled papers, it takes out all the filled papers and restocks on blank ones
Stats: 0/5 in the hands of someone without [REDACTED], 5/5 in the hands of [REDACTED], ⅖ when thrown at someone's head Bzzt!
As she was finishing up on a doodle of herself, she heard the special knock at the door. "C'mon in!", she shouted. The door swung open to reveal a girl wearing the classic casual outfit: T-shirt and jeans, topped with a very comfortable looking jacket.
She had put her signature cat ear headphones atop her bob cut hair. The only thing differentiating her from a 'Normal' person was that she was a living 1930's cartoon. Black and white, pie cut eyes, and rubber hose proportions. "Heya K!" She said. "Hiya Kel!" Kai spoke to the 'Odd Looking' girl, not batting an eye at her appearance. In all honesty, Kel wasn't odd at all. Unington had some colorful characters. "So, how was the show?" Kai asked. Although she was the star performer, and every show would always sell out, Kai's insecurities would always get the best of her, so she would always ask her BFFS to watch the show. "Well-" Kel started, "IT WAS AWESOME!" Both girls turned to see their other friend leaning on the doorway. "Seriously K, have some confidence!" She had a smirk plastered on her face, magenta colored eyes squinting at her. "You gave me some, let me spare some for you!" The girl began strutting towards the small female, her baggy overalls making a swish-swish noise every time she walked. Her striped sleeves lifting up with her arms. Her skull pin seemed more threatening, and her hair accessories pointed upwards. She flip-flopped the girl off her chair, her gray-to-green locks cascading down over the tiny female, as the taller girl began tickling her. "NOOOO NENE!" The girl tilted her head, "K, we're close enough to be on a first name basis, call me Yashiro!" "Okay!" The three girls started snickering, thinking about what happened three years back.