The USJ incident lingered in everyone's mind. It truly brought up the question of the hour: Who exactly was this Kai kid? He was a villain, but then why'd he save them? Well, that was the topic of the hour.
"He kicked that Nomu-Thing 10 feet!"
"He could've done that to us, why didn't he?"
"Maybe we're not his target?"
"Or maybe its because I don't wanna hurt people, I dunno."
The class turned to see the 'Topic of the day' standing in the doorway, leaning on the frame. "For all you know, I got the wrong school, the wrong class, or maybe I'm even after the teachers!" Feigning surprise at the end of the sentence, along with jazz hands, he continued, "Or maybe I was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Y' know, they never gave me a chance to explain myself, so there's a lot of things you don't know about me. It could've been way easier, but no, it's never that easy, is it?" He spoke, sighing. "Well, we better sit down. Class is about to start." He said, making his way to his seat. That was unexpected. Then again, was he expected? But, what he said was right. They didn't know anything about him. Maybe it was better that way.
. . . . . .
As the bell rang, Aizawa walked in. "As some of you may know, your fight isn't over." Kai chuckled as she heard the whimpers and murmurs of "More Villains?!". Kai's fight was never over. I mean, She's been haunting her for six years straight, making the shadow of death loom over her, and she didn't think She was gonna stop anytime soon. "The U.A. Sports Festival is coming up. Get prepared. I'm going to sleep." Kai's smile fell. Sports Festival. Sports Festival. Sports Festival. Oh god, she was going to trip over her own feet. The only reason she was good in a fight is because she was pumped full of adrenaline. She's usually fighting for her life, not for first place. Oh no, no, no, no, no. That drive is gone with regular things like soccer or something. Also, there was something she was supposed to do with a certain Hero Killer. Stupid, dumb, prophecy dreams, not telling her about a dumb old sports festival, but telling her about a murderer.
Dream Time!
This was bad. Someone was hurt and the offender was about to do it again. To her, this time. Oh god. How is she going to explain the reason why she isn't dead? He thrust his blade down, but stopped a few centimeters above her stomach. "If you can answer this correctly, I might just spare you." Okay, okay! Hopefully it's an easy question, like 2+2. She could help the guy and get out of this alive.
"What makes a true hero?"
Ho, boy.
She was shaking in her boots. Standing in a packed arena (which reminded her of the colosseum), being pushed through a tiny doorway. This was not what she wanted or needed. The world was spinning. She closed her eyes, and began counting, as it calmed her down.
She opened her eyes, and the world seemed different. For starters, she was back in her casual clothing. Skinny jeans, a soft, fuzzy long sleeved shirt, and white vans. Her laughter was echoing. The field was still there, and so was the feeling of pressure of the other students pushing on her to try and get an advantage. She then realized that she wasn't home, just imagining things. She tapped her heels together, and her Super Skates* popped out of her shoes. She then realized she wasn't imagining this out of home sickness. She was imagining this out of Adrenaline. She then smiled. At that moment she realized, the six years of battling for her life gave her something that'd help her whenever, and she wouldn't protest.
It was instinct. The instinct to fight, the instinct to win, the instinct to just, survive.
And she wasn't gonna stop having that instinct now,she wasn't just gonna stop because people were afraid of her.
No, she'd show them.
She was gonna show them what the Savior of The Multiverse could do.
*~Chapter 6 - END~*
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Anyways, Sports Festival Arc! :DDD
I have a question...
Would you want Kai to reveal the fact that she's a girl during:
The Sports Festival Arc (This Arc)
The Training Camp/Kamino Ward Arc? (A few Arcs Away)
Vote Please!
Anyways, Thank you for reading my non-existent readers, and I'll see you in the next one!
* Invention time! Don't think I forgot.
Super Skates
Thing-a-majig: Invention
How does it work?: The name speaks for itself. Really, Really fast skates. So far, they've been able to go at the speed of light. 1 clack of the heels = Open, 2 clacks = Close and 3 clacks = Open Settings (Speed adjustments, Colors, etc.) For some reason, they're shaped like large discs