Ragdoll and Tiger, the other half of the Wild, Wild, Pussycats! were busy setting up the two classes linner*. "Um...Hi!" A soft female voice squeaked out, scaring the living daylights out of them. There was a girl with striking teal hair, dark brown eyes, and pale skin. She was wearing a hoodie that seemed very familiar to Tiger, he just couldn't quite place it. "Ohhhhh! You're Kai Drew, meow!" Ragdoll said. Tiger realized why he recognized the hoodie, it was what she was wearing on file. "Oh. It's you. Listen, if you try anything-" "How about we get you some food and water, meow?" Ragdoll interrupted Tiger. "Oh! Uhm- yeah, that'd be nice! Thank you!" Kai said. Ragdoll smiled and walked her to a secluded table, stopping to get some food on the way. Eventually, Ragdoll walked back to help prepare the food. "Why are you being so nice to her? She's a villain." Tiger said. Ragdoll shook her head. "Nope~!" Ragdoll looked at the girl eating alone and smiled. "My quirk may not work on her, so I don't know who she exactly is, but I just know she's not evil. She just has that vibe about her, y'know?" Tiger looked at her. "I don't know what your talking about, but if you believe she has good intentions, I guess I do too."
. . . . . .
"You kitties are lucky! We'll cook for you today, but tomorrow, you'll have to cook for yourselves!" voice rang out. Kai almost spit out her drink as she scrambled to flip her hood up. Kai luckily scrambled quick enough. 1-A came in, tired and tuckered out. Yeesh, what happened to them? It was hard, but definitely not that- "Hey! How come you're here?!" Someone shouted at her. Kai looked at them confused. "What do ya' mean?" "We didn't see you at all on the way here!" Kai looked away, bored. "Oh. That's because I got here two hours ago." 1-A collectively rang out with a "TWO HOURS AGO?!" Kai continued relaxing. They were easy to ignore. She heard someone clonk a plate full of food down in front of her. She looked up to see her favorite fluff of green hair. "Heya, Dori!" She spoke softly. Dori smiled back at her. The other two came over and greeted them. "Um- Could I join you guys?" A female voice spoke. Kai turned to see Momo standing over them, her plate in her hands. Kai smiled. "Of course, Momo! It'd be awesome to have ya'!" Momo smiled and sat down next to her. "Okay, so, did I ever tell you about the time Peggy lit her hair on fire?" Kai said. "What?!" Midoriya laughed out. Kai laughed too. "It's true! Oh, Momo, Peggy is my guardian, I guess? She really is more of a friend to everyone. Once, I tried calling her 'Miss Peggy' to be respectful, and she bonked me on the head on the head with a spatula! It hurt, and she did it every time I tried calling her Miss Peggy. So, I just call her Peggy now." Kai spoke. And that's how the night went on. Loud laughter, silly stories, and trying to fill Momo in on details about people, places, and inside jokes. It felt completely euphoric to Kai. This is what would happen every night in Unington. Uncle Joey or her dad would tell some stories of the people who worked, or her friends would tell her what crazy stories they'd found out about or witnessed. Kai would even chime in with her own stories. I mean, with her job, she picked up some pretty crazy stories. Kai loved the feeling. And getting to experience that feeling with her new friends? Well, Kai was on Cloud 9. Sadly, though, good things aren't meant to last. For every high in Kai's life, there was a low. And a low was closing in. Very, very soon.
. . . . . .
Kai had got a private cabin. Well, not a full cabin, just a bedroom, but it was nice! All because 1-A was scared of her. It was bittersweet. As soon as Kai was alone, she jumped onto her bed and melted into the sheets. "Soft..." Kai mumbled. Her bed was so comfy, she fell asleep in 2 seconds flat.
Knock, Knock.
Kai had woken up to knocking on her door. She checked her phone. "Who the heck is knocking on my door at 12:30 in the morning?" She thought. Nevertheless, she got up. Her baggy t-shirt swayed slightly. She'd prefer a white nightgown. Kai liked the ethereal and mildly creepy vibe they gave off, but baggy t-shirts and shorts were cool too. She pulled the door open. Momo was standing there. "Oh Momo! Wassup?" Kai said groggily, slurring her words. Momo was confused. "Wait who are you-" "Hello Kai! Did you sleep well?" Iida interrupted her. Kai yawned. "Yeah...until ya' woke me up. 'S fine, though. C'mon in." They came in and talked for around an hour, giggling quietly and talking. After they left, though, was not so light hearted and happy. Right after she closed the door, a feeling of icy-hot dread ran through her veins. Kai began sweating and breathing heavily. The feeling was so overwhelming, she fell to her knees. It felt if gravity was increasing on her. It felt as if a wet blanket was draped over her lungs. It felt as if the world was ending and she was powerless to stop it. Eventually, Kai had mustered enough strength to make it to her bed and fall asleep.
. . .
Meanwhile, back in the city limits...
. . .
"Are you scared?" A man said. He was talking to a polaroid photo of Kai. The picture was of her with Iida and Midoriya, putting up a peace sign. He'd taken it from her social media. "Well, don't be." He said while walking over to a desk. He grabbed a red sharpie and began making some small edits to the photo. "I'll save you. You won't have to deal with those awful heroes ever..." He said while scribbling on the photo. "Again." he said angrily, as he snapped the pen in half. "Dang it, that was my last pen." He mumbled to himself. He tossed the pen into a garbage bin. He grabbed a thumb tack, and pushed it into the photo, attaching it to an empty spot on the wall. The wall had hundreds upon thousands of photos of Kai. Photos from her social media, photos of her walking home, photos of her taken from outside her window, and photos of her asleep in her bed, taken from a few feet away. Some had her friends in them, but they were scribbled out with red sharpie. The man sighed and smiled, admiring his handiwork, admiring her. "Don't worry, it's time." He said. He traced the heart he drew around her head in the latest photo. God, she really was something else. He stepped away from the photo wall reluctantly, and grabbed the pale, disembodied hand from his desk, placing it on his face.
"I'm coming to save you."
*~Chapter 23 - End~*
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Not me making Shigaraki have a hero complex when he's literally a villain-
What'd you think of this chapter?
I worked real hard :]
Why does Shigaraki have approximately 62713939 photos of Kai?
Is Momo a homeboy now?
Why is Ragdoll the absolute best?
*linner- Y'know how brunch is breakfast + lunch? Linner is lunch + dinner.
Alrighty cream puffs, I'm pastriibunz, and this has been Showstopper || Bnha x OC!