06 | DEFY

705 21 1

defy /dəˈfī/
openly resist or refuse to obey.



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"Excuse me?"

"You heard me," he said flatly, not bothering to turn and face me.

I followed him down the hall that led to the dining room, letting him know I wasn't finished. "I'm not going anywhere with you."

"Is that so?" he purred, slowly turning on his heels to entertain my rising anger.

"You told me that you were trying to help me, not drag me to your events like I'm your puppy," I snarled. I couldn't be stomped on more than I already had been these past hours. I was going to stand up for myself and put my foot down, no matter the consequence. At least I would know that I made an effort.

Instead of reacting to my fit, he only stared at me, the corners of his mouth curving into a dangerous smirk. In that exact moment, I wanted nothing more than to be able to crawl into his mind to see what he was planning. But he only took a step closer to me, his eyes never letting go of my own. I was backed into a corner of the hallway, his hand placed on the side of my head as his dark orbs narrowed.

"You have quite the humor," he chuckled, his free hand leaving his pocket and reaching for a strand of my hair. He coiled it around his finger as he thought of what to say, I was sure. "You will go with me tonight, whether you agree to or not. The first reason being that I don't trust my house maid around you. She hasn't quite grasped the concept of a one night stand," he continued, his face turning into a grimace as he cringed. His finger dropped my hair and I gained his full attention then. "The second being that I had just paid 2 million Gs for you. I may not have ill intentions for you but that doesn't mean that you won't do what I say. You're mine now, and that means you will go to this fucking event with me, or I will find other ways to make you useful, capisci?"

His words speared right through my blood and awoke a new flame inside me that I'd never felt before. I was not scared, no. I was fucking furious. Did he think saying that he owns me makes him any better than someone who would abuse me? I scoffed a laugh as I answered that question myself. But I didn't end up doing it inside my head like I thought. And that's when he cocked his head to the side, his demeanor slightly flickering as he held onto the last thread of control on his temper that he had.

"Hai qualcosa da dire, cazzo?" His voice was thick and rough, his anger showing through his words as he continued to mask his face.
{translation: Do you have something to fucking say?}

And that's when my body went cold, the hard question still echoing inside my head as my eyes widened. This time he didn't smile at my fear, he only searched my expression, as if he didn't mean to be as aggressive as he was. And I didn't answer his question, not because I couldn't, but because I wanted to continue this game a little longer. If I could receive any information that he would try to hide from me, then my best option was him thinking I didn't know Italian. But I'd be lying if I used that as my only excuse. I had no idea how he would respond if my attitude replied for me. And again, I wasn't keen on finding out.


"Perfetto," he grimaced. "Now, you will do as I say with no interjection. And make no mistake, I will be getting my 2 billion worth."

I gave him a cold, hard stare before he grabbed my arm, dragging me back towards the hall his housemaid took me down and pulled me into a room. "Wow, aggressive much."

"You haven't seen aggressive, dolcezza."

His back faced me as he rummaged through the closet, looking for something, while I took in the room. It was a medium size but compared to the room at my home, it's was grand. Large black-out curtains flowed from the tall walls that were at least twenty feet in height. It was an effort to crane my neck back as I analyzed the detailed ceiling. Wooden beams lied horizontal and vertical, forming enough support to hold the stone material that made up the roof. Many intricate painting scattered the walls, ones that were obviously made by high end painters.

Art was one of the few things that held my happiness. The expression and tones and colors, everything about it. It all intrigued me. I even took part in enjoying the peace and serenity painting could give you. And seeing professional pieces in front of my face, mere inches away, I felt overwhelmed. I inched closer, wanting to be able to see every single brush stroke that made up the masterpiece.

"You're into art?" he asked, not repulsively, just pure curiousness.

"Yeah," I responded quietly, not facing him. Truth wasn't that the painting held all of my attention, but that I didn't understand why he cared at all.

"Giuseppe Acrimboldo," he stated, his presence becoming present behind me. "1566-"

"The Allegory of Water."

There was silence. The deafening type of silence. Then, "Yes."

"Why this one?"


"It's so dark and depressing. Why didn't you choose Summer or Spring?" I asked purely out of honesty. Water had always scared me. The painting was filled with brown colors and dead sea creatures that built the portrait.

A soft chuckle sounded behind me and the hair on the nape of my neck stood straight up. "That's because it spoke to me in a different way than the others, tesoro."

I turned to face him then. "How?"

Dark eyes held mine as he spoke. "Simple. It is the one that resonates most."

My own eyes widened as both of ours remained locked on each other, for just a moment. "Here is your outfit," he said too quickly, his eyes finally leaving mine for the black, silk dress on the bed. "Hopefully it doesn't disappoint, though there is a dress code so not that it would matter, you'll have to wear it either way."

"Exquisite," I said through my teeth.

In return, he flashed me his own as his mouth stretched into a wide smile, just before he strode out the door.

"Well, this should be fun."



I'm so sorry for not updating recently but I've been really busy with school and personal life events! Also thank you for over 500 reads on this story WHAT!!!? Ugh thank you thank youuuu!!! Let me know if you enjoyed this chapter and if there were any typos! Thank you and I love you all!!!
See you in the next chapter.

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tysm xx


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