04 | FEAR

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fear /ˈfir/
an unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is dangerous, likely to cause pain, or a threat.



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"No need to get comfortable again. We are leaving."

I pushed as far away from him as possible. He thought I would just get up and leave with him? Tears welt up in my eyes again as he walked closer, grabbed my legs and slid me to the edge of the bed. And I realized how little power I had in that moment, but also earlier when I was taken. I couldn't fight back, I just had to comply. And that was the worst feeling I've experienced, not just tonight, but my entire life.

Looking over me, his eyes were cold and dominating. "Would you rather stay here with people who plan to do horrible things to you?"

"Isn't that what you plan?" I asked angrily, my emotions controlling my reactions.

"No, Evelina." I shivered when my name flowed past his lips. "I prefer my women begging me to fuck them."

My throat dried at his statement and the feeling of his hands still on the calves of my legs became more prominent. As if he noticed, he released his strong grip on me and stood up straight. His cold demeanor shifted slightly, his eyes softening and his eyebrows relaxing.

His hands went to his suit as he adjusted the positioning of it on his body. "I'm not going to do anything to you, tesoro. So will you make this easy for the both of us?"

I took a deep breath and my mind literally just shut off. I couldn't even think or process the events that were happening to me. I just had to accept them and move on. When my gaze returned to his eyes, I tried to read them for dishonesty. It wouldn't matter if I found it or not. He now owned me and could do whatever he wanted with me. I just wanted to know before he did.

But I didn't. There was nothing but soft eyes that looked at me with sympathy. He held his hand out for me to take it and comply, but I just looked at it. I honestly don't know what I was contemplating. I had no other options. I was forced to trust him and his words. My hand reached out for his gently and he gave a small smile.

He guided me off the bed and placed his hand on the small of my back, leading me out the door. I kept my head down, focused on the feet that led me to my unknown future. I was scared and worried and broken, but it felt like a huge weight lifted off my chest when I felt safe around him. His warm presence and aura that surrounded both of us as we walked out of the building made me feel like I was one lucky bitch.

His hands made their way to my shoulders when we were outside in front a large black suv. He remained behind me as another man walked up to us. His sandy hair was disheveled in front of his face and his bright green eyes watched the man behind me. He had broad shoulders that stretched behind his back as he clasped his hands together, the black shirt pulling tight against the muscles of his torso. His build was similar to the one who bought me, save for the fact the he was shorter.

"Aiutala a salire in macchina mentre vado a trovare quei pezzi di merda," Rosario said in a dark tone and I questioned who he was talking about. I tried to hide the fact that I could understand him though. It could be of use to me when they think I don't understand them and end up revealing information to me.
{ Translation : Help her get in the car while I go find those pieces of shit. }

"," his friend responded and he reached out for my arm.

Instinctively, I gripped Rosario's hand. He was the only person I would allow myself to trust and feel comfortable around.

"Stai attento con lei," he growled. My cheeks heated at the protective demand and he turned me to face him. His fingers curled around my chin, begging me to look up to him. "I will only take a moment. Matteo will wait with you in the car. ?"
{ Translation : Be careful with her. }

I only nodded, too scared to say anything under that heavy gaze. His thumb made its way to my cheek and he rubbed it slightly. But I flinched, remembering the bruise from where I got hit. I watched his expression twist into anger as he snatched his hand back and he glared back over to his partner. With a dark look, he left back into the building and I watched, wondering why my face was hot and my stomach was fluttering. I quickly shook it off and turned to the man behind me.

He held his hand out, hoping I would shake it. His eyes were soft as well, and I almost cried out at the feeling of being safe. I didn't know these men, no. But I was good at reading expressions and intentions based on the eyes of the subject. And again, I saw nothing but pity swimming in them. I took his hand and watched in disbelief as he brought it up to his mouth and dusted a kiss on my knuckles.

"I'm sorry this has happened to you. My name is Matteo," he said with an warm, inviting smile.

And I subconsciously reciprocated it. "Thank you. I'm Evelina."

He nodded and opened the passenger door, leading me into the car. And I wondered if this was real, or some sick, twisted game. Because there was no way I could be this lucky to end up with a respectful buyer instead of a sleezer who wanted me for ungodly things. But I reminded myself to be careful on being so trusting. This man still bought me from a black market auction. That right there is a red flag. He could be trying to get me to trust him, and then have fun with my stupidity and torment me even more. Has he bought other women? What was he even doing here anyways?

I was only left to wonder and question until he decided to come back to the car. Do I even want him to come back? Should I be trying to escape right now? I wasn't so sure because the timid look in everyone's eyes that we passed on our way out of the building told me that he was a very powerful man you didn't want to mess with. And I didn't want to abuse the kindness he has showed me thus far.

So I waited patiently, looking out the window, praying that he would return soon so that I could receive the answers I desperately needed.



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