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With his newly aquired Webley Revolver in hand, Alexander exited the cabin and followed the instructions and maps on the wall to the stairs.

All of a sudden, the light went out again and Alexander lit a match to see more.

He heard footsteps approaching from behind and when he turned around, saw the corpse of Lt. Davies walking towards him.

With shaking hands and knees, Alexander decided to do at least one brave thing in his life and pointed the revolver towards his former commanding officer. "Fuck you, Davies!" he shouted and shot the undead platoon member three times in the chest.

But to his shock, the bullets didn't seem to have inflicted any damage. The giant corpse looked down at his chest, then back at Alexander before laughing in an evil way and resuming his advance towards him.

 The giant corpse looked down at his chest, then back at Alexander before laughing in an evil way and resuming his advance towards him

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"Shite." Alexander cursed and ran away, before turning around a corner and hiding unter the bed in on of the rooms. Once again he placed his hands of his mouth and pulled his kness up to his chest.

God, what a coward he was. First on that faithful day during the attack and now this. If only he had been a little bit more brave that day than none of this would have happened. He cursed himself.

When the lights finally went back on, Alexander wasted no time in finding the stairs. The water had already started to reach his knees by the time had finally ran up the stairs to E-Deck.

Again, all was quite. And once more, a gate blocked his way forwards. "Dammit." he cursed and started to look in the rooms around him for the key. He did find a gramaphone though and, curious as always, played it. He was certain that whatever messages they had were meant for him.

"Tell me about that man who was named Thompson."

"Ah yes, the grand moustache he had."

"Did you know this man? Did you speak with him on a personal matter."

"Yes. I was quite fond of him. He ran and he fought."

"Now, tell me again: Which person am I talking to now?"

"... The wretched soul... lost forver. Let me leave! Just let me finish!"

"Now calm down. I only want to hear your name."

"Argh! He's coming... *murmering*"

"Minny! Calm him please! We'll continue this later."

Minny.... Minny. Alexander couldn't remember a nurse named Minny while he was on this ship. But he couldn't remember anything that happend while he was here. The last thing he remembered before waking up in the ward was being brought onto the ship as a prisoner.

He walked back out and tried the doors again. Strangely enough, one of the ones that he tried before was open this time. He reached for the revolver in his jacket and slowly opened it. Nothing an no one was in the room, but there was a letter on the desk.

Under: Depths of FearWhere stories live. Discover now