Great Expectations

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"And what exactly is this proposition?" I ask. 

"We want you to gather as many non-infected non-immunes as possible." Cristina says. 

"Where on earth are we supposed to find these people?" I ask.

"One of two places." she says. "The Scorch and outside major cities. We'll give you a scanner to see if they are infected. Come back here when you have at least 100."

"One hundred?" Thomas asks incredulously. "I doubt we'll ever be able to do that."

"If you do, you could save the human race and we will make sure you never have to worry about anything hurting you ever again." She says.

I look at Thomas. "Really?" I ask her. "Can you really promise that?"

"I really can." She says. "Get one hundred non-infected non-immunes and we can make sure that nothing like this ever happens again."

I nod. "Okay. We'll do it." A wave of grief comes over me as I realize that Minho won't be able to come. 

"You'll go to the Scorch first." She says. "We'll have some of our people deliver you. Is there anyone else you want to bring?"

"Yes." Thomas says. "Aris, Brenda, and whoever they want to bring." 

Cristina nods. "I'll get them. I'll let Andrew here take you. Wait for the others up there."

A man with brown hair, pale skin, and brown eyes leads us to a helicopter. We get in and wait for the others. I rest my head on Thomas's shoulder. 

"You think this is worth it?" I ask him. 

"I think that saving the human race is worth quite a bit." Thomas says.

"But why?" I ask. "Why is it worth so shucking much?" 

Thomas kisses my head. "Cause you're in it."

"Shut up." I say, chuckling. 

Then, I see Cristina walking with Aris, Brenda, Sonya, Harriet and Jorge. 

"Hey guys." I say.

"Hey." Brenda says.

The five of them hop in too and Cristina closes the door after handing us each a backpack.

As the helicopter takes off I turn to the others. 

"What do you think is in here?" I ask.

"Dunno." Harriet says. "Let's check."

We open them and inside is a scanner, some food, water, and a change of clothes. 

"Cool." Aris says, examining his scanner. "I find it kind of awesome we get to be the ones to save the human race."

Sonya laughs. "I suppose."

I lean back against the wall of the vehicle. 

"It'll be weird being back in the Scorch." Thomas says after a bit.

Aris half-chuckles and half-scoffs. "I'll say."

"We never actually found out what the gene does." I realize. "Just that it saves humanity."

"Left in the dark." Aris says. "Again."

"It'll be okay." Thomas says.

"Wait." Sonya says. "What if Newt gets the Flare again? We'll be around a lot of people with it."

Thomas's eyes widen. "I didn't think of that." He looks at me.

"Tommy, I'll be fine." I say. "Kay? Trust me?"

He nods, eyes still wide. "We don't have any more of the serum, though."

"Then I guess I better not catch it." I say.

Thomas bites his lip. "Please don't die."

"I promised, remember?" I say. 

Elizabeth pulls something out of her pocket. "And, actually, I do have one."

Thomas looks like he could kiss her. "Oh my god, Elizabeth. Where did you even get that?" 

Elizabeth grins. "I have my ways."

She repockets it. 

"What if there aren't 100?" Aris asks. "What if we can't do it?"

"We can." I say firmly. "We'll save humanity." 

The girls chuckle. Jorge gives me a look. Aris just shrugs. Thomas wraps an arm around me.

"Hopefully." He says. "Hopefully."

Jorge looks at all of us. "Okay." He says. "We each need to get 12.5...wait." He thinks. "Half of us need to get 12 people and the other half need to get 13."

"It sounds easier when you put it like that." Brenda says. 

Jorge nods. "So...I'll do 13."

"Me too." Thomas says.

"Me too." Harriet volunteers. 

"Me too." I say.

"No way." Thomas says. "You aren't immune. You are not dealing with an extra crank."

"They're not cranks, Tommy." I say, rolling my eyes. "They don't have the virus."

"But they could." Thomas says. "Please?"

"Fine!" I groan.

Brenda says she'll do it. The sun starts to set. 

"I'm so shucking tired." Thomas says. 

"Yeah, we should sleep." Brenda says. "We have a big day ahead of us." 

Aris is asleep against the wall, Sonya's head in his lap. Harriet leans against Aris. Brenda and Jorge are asleep with their backs together, supporting each other. Elizabeth lays with her head on some kind of bag. I lay my head in Thomas's lap, though I can't sleep. Thomas fell asleep hours ago. 

I can't stop thinking about Minho. It doesn't feel fair that he doesn't get to come. We were safe. We were happy. Then, this happened. Tears start to fall out of my eyes but I brush them away angrily. 

"Newt?" I hear someone say.

I sit up. It's Sonya. She woke up too.

"Sonya, why are you up?" I ask. 

"Couldn't sleep." She whispers. "You?"

"Same." I say. I scoot closer to her. "Scared?"

"Not in a million years." She says, smirking. 

I smile back at her. "Me either." I lie.

"Dude, I can tell you're lying." She says, nudging me with her shoulder. 

I look away, smiling slightly. "I'm not that scared."

"You should be." She says. "You're the only one who can get the Flare."

"So you're telling me to be scared?" I ask. 

"Nah." She says. "I'm saying you should be." 

I nod. "Yeah, okay."

I sigh. 

"You alright?" She asks me.

"Fine." I say. I yawn. "We should probably go to sleep."

"I guess so." She says.

Neither of us move. 

"Night." I say, leaning backwards.

"Night." She says. 

And the helicopter flies over the world, taking us somewhere we thought we'd never return to.

A/N: Okay guys. This is the end. I obviously have to make a sequel cuz I can't leave it here. So...yeah! Look for it on my account. Love y'all.

UPDATE: It's called Reburned <3

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