Band-Aid Covers The Bullet Hole

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I can't sleep. No matter what I do, I cannot sleep. I can't get what the voice said out of my head. And my headache hasn't fully gone away. I look at Thomas, who is long asleep. What if he resists? What if he dies? I couldn't do it alone. He's the only one who can calm me down when I'm anxious. The only one who makes me laugh. The only one that matters. 

Thomas turns in his sleep. I wonder if the voice has talked to him. I suppose probably not, as he looks so peaceful. I tear my eyes away from him regretfully. I bite my lip. 

Then, I'm determined. He won't die. He won't. I'll save him. I nod to myself, then get out of bed, despite it being 3:30 in the morning. I try to walk quietly but the floorboards squeak. I cringe. I glance at Thomas, making sure he's still asleep. He turns over but he is still asleep. 

I walk out the door and close it quietly behind me. Then, a scream pierces the air. I turn to the direction it's coming from: the beach. I sprint over there as fast as I can. 

It's Minho. Someone has a knife to his stomach. I gasp. The person looks up at me but their face is shrouded in darkness in the night. They look like a robber; black beanie, black pants, black shirt, black gloves. They freeze.

Then, they make a cut.


They drive the knife deeper and make a circle motion. I take a step closer when someone else jumps out from behind a rock. I stumble backwards. They brandish a gun. The person beside Minho makes another cut and inserts something into his stomach. An implant. 

I make to move towards him again. 

"GET BACK!" The person with the gun shouts in a gruff voice, pointing it at my chest. 

I take a tentative step forward and he cocks the gun. I stop moving. 

"You have to stop." I say. "You have me and Thomas, okay? Please, just leave Minho be."

The person who had cut Minho leaves his now unconscious body and stands beside the man. 

"Oh, sweetie, no." She says in a sickly sweet voice. 

I clench my fists. 

"One wrong move and I swear, kid." The man says. 

"Who are you?" I spit.

The woman tilts her head. "Oh no, you don't get to know that, sweetheart."

I try to move forward and the man fires a shot into the air. 

"YOU HEAR ME, KID!" He yells. "STAY BACK!" 

"No." I say, my voice shaking slightly, but not enough to be noticable. 

I move forward again and the man trains his gun on me. 


I move again and he shoots, but I move out of the way and kneel beside Minho. I check his pulse. He's alive. Then, I feel a searing pain in my shoulder. He shot me. I gasp and clutch my shoulder, my fingers coming away bloody. 

My breath comes out in shuttered gasps. 

"I warned you." The man says and the pair walk away.

I fall to the ground. The bullet went through my shoulder and presumably into the ocean. I try to stem the blood flow. My vision goes black. My arms go limp and I pass out. 


I wake around 5 am and run my hands through my hair. I pull on a shirt and step outside. I see two figures lying on the beach. My eyebrows furrow in confusion. I walk over slowly.

"HELLO?" I call. 

I get closer and identify them as Newt and Minho. Why the hell are they lying on the beach? I run over and I see blood. Lots of blood. I suddenly feel cold.

"Newt?" I ask dryly. "Minho?'

No response.

I run over and I see that Minho has the implant, but that doesn't explain Newt. I gasp. He has a bullet hole in his shoulder.

"Oh my god, Newt..." I whisper.

He pale, very pale. Who knows how long he's been there. His fingertips are covered in blood and he has a hole in his shoulder. I put my fingers to his neck. His pulse is weak and thready. I reluctantly move away from him and sprint to the hospital. 

"DEREK!" I shout. "DEREK!"

The arrogant doctor appears. "Hello, Thomas."

I skid to a stop. "No, no, you have to help." I pant. "Newt. Minho. They..." I sigh. 

Derek nods and I start to run back to them. 

Later, I sit in the hospital waiting room for what feels like the millionth time. Then, Derek walks out.

"He's fine." Derek announces. 

I rise to my feet, shaking slightly.

"He'll wake up soon." He tells me. "As for Minho, well, you know. You and Newt both went through the same thing." 

I nod. "Can you take me to him?" I ask, my voice cracking slightly.

Derek smiles. "Of course."

I sit by his bed, tapping my foot, anxious, waiting for Newt to wake up. I see him stir.

"Newt?" I whisper. "Are you awake?"

"Now I am, shuck-face." He responds, opening his eyes.

I chuckle. "Oh, thank god." 

He smiles slightly, pushing himself up but wincing as he uses his shoulder. 

"Careful." I say, putting my hand over his. 

"I'm fine." He says. "It barely hurts."

"Liar." I say.

He scowls at me.  "Tommy, I'm fine."

"Then if you're so fine, do this." I lift my arm above my head. 

He looks at me. "Fine." He does but he cries out in pain, blood leaking through his bandage. 

I sigh. "Newt, that's not..." 

His eyes meet mine. "I'm sorry. That was an accident."

I move so I'm sitting on the bed next to him. He rests his head on my shoulder.

"That hurt." He says. 

"I know." I say. 

"That was stupid of me." 

"I know."

Newt chuckles. "I'm tired."

"I know." I say. "You should sleep."

"No, it's alright." He says. "Maybe I'll just go."

I grab his wrist before he can move. "No." I say. "No, you won't." 

"But, I'm-" He starts

"Newt, shut up!" I laugh.

He smirks, looking away from me. I put two fingers on his cheek, turning his head back towards me.  

"Thanks for loving me even though I'm an idiot." He says.

I smile. "I love you because you're an idiot."

He leans forward and kisses me. 

"I love you too." He says. 

Then, Derek walks in.

"Hello, boys." He says. "I thought you'd like to know, Minho's awake."

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