19: Rescue

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My eyes tried to force themselves open as the feeling of my body bobbing up and down woke me up. The first thing I saw was a yellow, spotted tie.

"Nanami?" I breathed out as my face pressed against his chest. He was carrying me in his arms, holding me tightly as he ran.

Every inch of my body ached, and with every step he took, a sharp pain shot through my head. I felt so cold, but my body was soaked with sweat, my hair sticking to my face.

I wanted to push it away, but my arms refused to move, no matter how hard I tried. They were so heavy. I was rendered completely helpless.

"Hold on. We're almost there."

My eyes slowly adjusted to the world around us as he continued to push forward. There was no mistaking that we were back at Jujutsu High.

The last thing I could remember was leaving after learning about my parents and my clan, but I couldn't remember how long ago that was or what happened after.

As we entered the main building, Nanami slowed to a walk, and began hectically barging into various rooms. My only half-conscious body still just slumped up against him.

"Fuck!" he groaned out, causing me to be just slightly more alert. I don't think I've ever heard Nanami swear. "Where is everyone!?"

I wasn't sure what triggered it, but as we walked into the infirmary, a flood of memories returned to me. I recalled seeing Geto, my parents, Satoru.... Satoru.

"I'll be back," he said gently as he set me down on a small cot.

"No!" I instantly yelled out and grabbed his arm. My eyes were wide with shock and horror. I couldn't control myself as tears began to flow, chills rushing across my body, my breathing picking up to a rapid pace now.

He stroked back my sweaty hair and whispered, "It's ok, Y/n. You're safe now. I'm just going to get help."

"No, please," I begged him desperately. "Please, Nanami. Please don't leave me."

I was terrified to be alone, my mind racing endlessly as I tried to comprehend anything that had happened in the last 48hrs.

"Shit," he mumbled as he stared back at me, finally realizing the near-death state I was in. He looked around frantically as he tried to figure out what to do next.

If he didn't get medical help I'd definitely die from the internal injuries Geto's technique caused, but he was too nervous to leave me alone, worried that the terror of being by myself would push me over the edge.

"Itadori!" he called out as a blurb of pink hair walked by the open door.

"Eh?" he poked his head in looking confused. "What's up Nanami?"

"Go get Ieiri! Then tell Gojo to get over here!" he demanded.

Yuuji's eyes widened as they landed on my pale, fragile body. "Y-y/n?" he stuttered out.

"Now!!" Nanami yelled again. "Ieiri first, then Gojo!"

"Ah, right!" he called as he took off, his loud footsteps echoing through the empty corridor.

Nanami sat on the bed next to me, holding me as I continued to shake in his arms. My eyes felt heavy, and there was a darkness calling to me.

"You have to keep your eyes open, Y/n. Stay with me," he said gently as he continued to stroke my cheeks softly, using the sleeve of his shirt to wipe the sweat from my forehead.

I fought so hard to listen to his fading words, but slowly my body refused to obey, and I slipped back into the void.


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